The LEPS team




PU-PH Odontologie et Santé Publique ; Université de Paris Cité

Sylvie Azogui-Lévy is a specialist in oral public health and works more specifically on social inequalities in health. Her hospital work focuses on the evaluation of professional practices and on oral health therapeutic education for people in social difficulty.

Activités récentes : Took over the presidency of Promosanté Ile de France

Publications récentes : 1. Dieng S, Cisse D, Lombrail P, Azogui-Lévy S. Mothers’ oral health literacy and children’s oral health status in Pikine , Senegal: a pilot study. PLoS One. 2020 Jan 23;15(1).

2. Marquillier T, Lombrail P, Azogui-Lévy S. Social inequalities in oral health and early childhood caries : how cant hey be effectively prevented ? A scoping review of disease predictors. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2020; 68 (4):201-214.

3. Bas AC, Azogui-Lévy S. Socio-Economic Determinants of Dental Service Expenditure: Findings from a French National Survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jan 25;19(3):1310. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031310. PMID: 35162334; PMCID: PMC8835070.

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Maître de conférences en sciences de l'éducation et de la formation

Since September 2009, I have been working as a lecturer in the Laboratory of Education and Health Promotion (LEPS) UR 3412 of the UFR SMBH, University Sorbonne Paris Nord

Activités récentes : Research section
My research focuses on the "patient semiology" model: the case of "sentinel" patients who perceive their symptoms at an early stage in order to take action on their health. I'm also involved in modeling TVE formats according to practice and delivery contexts and their effectiveness, particularly for patients with polypathologies.

Training section
Pedagogical coordinator of the M2 Public Health, Therapeutic Education and Health Education (ETES) pathway
Co-coordinator of the 3rd year of the Licence Science Pour la Santé (LSPS) health/city program
Responsible for several teaching units within the joint Master 1 program, the Master 2 Santé publique IFS program, the Licence Science Pour la Santé (2nd and 3rd year), the Licence 3 STAPS - Activité physique adapté and the DU Métier du Sanitaires et médico-sociale.

Publications récentes : Legobien A, Martin H, Bontemps V, Maroni JP, Thomas C, Canale C, Ursulet JP, Abraham G, Marchand C, Crozet C. Co-construction d’un dispositif d’ETP mono et polypathologique dans un centre municipal de santé. Santé publique 2023 ; 4 (35) : 405-416. DOI 10.3917/spub.234.0405

de Monteynard S, Bihan H, Campagné L, Crozet C, Cailhol J. Perceptions of multiple chronic conditions and coping strategies among migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa living in France with diabetes mellitus and HIV: an interview-based qualitative study. Plos One 2023; 18(6): e0284688. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0284688.

Hermann-Burteaux A. Crozet C. Pratiques d’orientation vers l’infirmière d’éducation thérapeutique : étude qualitative auprès de médecins généralistes et de patients d’une maison de santé en Lorraine. Rech Soins Infirm. 2021 Sep;(146) :74-94.

Petré B, Margat A, Crozet C. Un appel aux recommandations pour l’enseignement de l’ETP en formation initiale des professionnels de santé : regard croisés entre exploration de la littérature et avis des acteurs européens de l’ETP. Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ 2021, 13, 10202.

Cohen JD, Crozet C, d’Ivernois JF, Gagnayre R. Patients with chronic diseases: tomorrow, all sentinels? Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ 2020, 12, 10502.

Email : crozet@univ-paris13.fr

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Doctor of Public Health, Emergency Physician at the Avicenne University Hospital - USPN
Member of LEPS UR 3412, University Sorbonne Paris Nord and member of the hospital-university federation IMPEC, APHP, University of Paris, INSERM.
His research work focuses on social inequalities in health and on the use of emergency care by vulnerable populations, analyzed from two different angles:
- The targeted analysis of the modalities of recourse and the characteristics of the care of specific populations that present one or more factors of vulnerability.
- The study of the interactions between the organization of the care offer upstream and downstream of emergency services and the trajectories of vulnerable populations.

Activités récentes : POPUP study: Access to care for precarious populations: evolution of the use of the Urgent and Vital Care system in France between 2010 and 2021 (collaboration LEPS, FHU IMPEC, LIEPP Scences Po, URC eco APHP)

REO study: Implementation analysis of a model for redirecting low-severity patients presenting at the Aubéce emergency department to local medical clinics (collaboration with the University of Sherbrooke, CIUSSS Nord de l'Ile de Montréal)

VESTIGE study: Detection, management and trajectory of victims of domestic violence in emergency rooms.

Publications récentes : 1. Feral-Pierssens AL, Morris J, Messier A et al. Safety of a redirection program using an electronic application for low-acuity patients visiting ean Emergency Department : a prospective cohort study, BMC Emerg Med, 2022;22:71

2. Feral-Pierssens AL, Matta J, Rives-Lange C, Goldberg M et al. Healthcare use by adults with obesity: A French cohort study. Obesity 2022;30:733-42

3. Hellmann R, Feral-Pierssens AL, Michault A, Casalino E et al. The analysis of the geographical distribution of emergency departments’ frequent users : a tool to prioritize public health policiest ? BMC Public Health. 2021;21:1689

4. Feral-Pierssens AL. Inégalités sociales de santé et médecine d’urgence. Ann Fr Med Urg, 2021;11:33-40.

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Aude-Marie FOUCAUT

Aude-Marie FOUCAUT

Maître de conférences en Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives (STAPS)

Responsible for the two STAPS Master's courses in Adapted Physical Activity and Health (APA-S), Physical Activity, Sport, Health (AP2S) and Physical Activity, Sport, Handicap and Inclusion (APSHI). I am conducting my research in the field of Public Health in order to evaluate - beyond the effect of physical activity - its feasibility, its obstacles and its facilitators in the field of health.

Activités récentes : Active lifestyle is a complex health behavior, determined by many factors at micro, meso and macro environmental levels. Our current research aims to increase our knowledge of these factors and to explain them within ecological models. Thanks to the experience gained at the Health & Wellness Lab of the University of Calgary (Alberta, Canada) during a CRCT from 2022 to 2023, and based on the results of previous studies, we will be able to implement projects in France based on implementation science, with large samples of patients. We will then be able to document variables that are unfortunately still under-evaluated in multimodal programs promoting physical activity in secondary and tertiary prevention, such as acceptability, adoption, feasibility, fidelity, safety, reach, sustainability, integration into the care pathway, and cost.

Publications récentes : Ouvrage :
- Foucaut A-M (coord), Vergnault M, Landry A, Lhuissier F, Chapelot D, Ordonnances - Activité Physique : 90 prescriptions, Paris, Maloine, 8 octobre 2020. 467 pages.

Chapitre d’ouvrage :
- Foucaut A-M, Activité physique, santé et éducation thérapeutique du patient chronique, in 4ème éd. Education thérapeutique – Prévention et maladies chroniques, coord. Simon D, Bourdillon F, Popelier M, Grimaldi A, coll. Abrégés de médecine, Paris, Elsevier Masson, 19 août 2020. 432 pages.

Revues internationales :
- Houzard S, Courtois E, Le Bihan Benjamin C, Lefeuvre D, Erbault M, Arnould L, Barranger E, Coussy F, Couturaud B, Cutuli B, de Cremoux P, de Reilhac P, de Seze C, Foucaut A-M, Gompel A, Honoré S, Lesur A, Mathelin C, Verzaux L, Bousquet P-J, Monitoring breast cancer care quality at national and local level using the French National Cancer Cohort. Clinical Breast Cancer, 2022, 22(7):e832-e841
- Neuzillet C, Anota A#, Foucaut A-M#, Védie A-L#, Antoun S, Barnoud D, Bouleuc C, Chorin F, Cottet V, Fontaine E, Garabige V, Hébuterne X, Huguet F, Lièvre A, Marchal T, Mouillot T, Peschaud F, Quilliot D, Raynard B, Schneider S, Scotté F, Vansteene D, Mariani P, Bouché O, Joly F, on behalf of the Thésaurus National de Cancérologie Digestive (TNCD), Société Nationale Française de Gastroentérologie (SNFGE), Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive (FFCD), Groupe Coopérateur multidisciplinaire en Oncologie (GERCOR), Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer (UNICANCER), Société Française de Chirurgie Digestive (SFCD), Société Française d’Endoscopie Digestive (SFED), Société Française de Radiothérapie Oncologique (SFRO), Association de Chirurgie Hépato-Bilio-Pancréatique et Transplantation (ACHBT), Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC), Société Française des Professionnels en Activité Physique Adaptée (SFP-APA), Société Francophone de Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme (SFNCM), Association Francophone pour Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), Nutrition and Physical Activity: French Intergroup Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatments and follow-up (SNFGE, FFCD, GERCOR, UNICANCER, SFCD, SFED, SFRO, ACHBT, AFC, SFP-APA, SFNCM, AFSOS). BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2021, 11(4):381-395

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Maître de conférences en sciences de l'éducation et de la formation

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Laurendeau C. , Marchand C., Gagnayre R. Evolution en 2021 de l’enseignement de l’éducation thérapeutique du patient en formation initiale et place de la simulation dans cet enseignement : une enquête auprès de 92 instituts de formation en soins infirmiers français. Educ Ther Patient/ Patient Ther Educ. 2O22, 14, 10203

Email : Claire.marchand@univ-paris13.fr




Maître de Conférences des Universités – Praticien Hospitalier en Odontologie pédiatrique

Doctor of Dental Surgery (qualified specialist in oral medicine)
Doctor of Public Health

In charge of the Pediatric Dentistry and Sedation Awareness Units at the University Hospital of Lille

His work focuses on prevention and education in pediatric oral health, particularly in patients with early childhood caries.

Activités récentes : Implementation of a prospective epidemiological study (EPIECC) in the Haut-de-France region among patients with early childhood caries. The results of the study will contribute to model an oral health prevention program for children and their families (PREVECC project).

Publications récentes : 1. Marquillier T, Delfosse C, Idoux J, Trentesaux T. Therapeutic education and oral health, an opportunity for the child. Soins Pediatr Pueric. 2022 Jan-Feb;43(324):40-44. doi: 10.1016/j.spp.2021.12.008.

2. Marquillier T, Trentesaux T, Pierache A, Delfosse C, Lombrail P, Azogui-Levy S. Which determinants should be considered to reduce social inequalities in paediatric dental care access? A cross-sectional study in France. PLoS One. 2021 Aug 4;16(8):e0255360. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255360.

Email : thomas.marquillier@univ-lille.fr / thomas.marquillier@chu-lille.fr

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Maître de conférences en sciences de l'éducation et de la formation

After initial training as a nutritionist engineer at AgroParisTech, I completed a thesis in the sociology of food at INRAe's ALISS laboratory, and in educational science at the CERLIS laboratory of Paris Descartes University, on the theme of food education in middle schools (defended in 2014). Since then, my research has focused on interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis of discourses on food, and in particular on the evolution of their content over the course of their trajectory within children's networks, and their impact on food preferences and habits. I am also developing participatory research involving civil society players (local authorities, associations, school and extracurricular professionals, pupils and parents) in the co-construction of coordinated food education schemes in a given area. These action-research projects are being developed mainly in the Seine-Saint-Denis département.

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Marchand, C., Communier, A., Maurice, A., Njantou, P., Vilder, C., Figiel, S .. & Thévenin, L. (2022). « Besoins éducatifs en santé en Appartement de Coordination Thérapeutique ». Santé Publique, 34, 9-19. https://doi.org/10.3917/spub.221.0009

Fanchini, A. et Maurice, A. « Devenir médiateur de santé-pair : faire de l’expérience des troubles psychiques une source d’empowerment ? », Revue française des affaires sociales, no. 2, 2021, pp. 169-194. https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-des-affaires-sociales-2021-2-page-169.htm

Comoretto Géraldine, Lhuissier Anne, Maurice Aurélie (dir.), Quand les cantines se mettent à table… Commensalité et identité sociale, Editions Quaé et Educagri, collection Sciences en partage, 2020, 160 p. https://www.quae.com/produit/1613/9782759231157/quand-les-cantines-se-mettent-a-table

Maurice, Aurélie, Claire Kersuzan, Géraldine Comoretto, and Christine Tichit. "Le Choix D’allaiter Son Premier Enfant : Une Décision Maternelle Sous Influence." Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, 2020.

Email : aurelie.maurice@sorbonne-paris-nord.fr

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MD, PhD, Professeur des Universités

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : MARGAT A , MERCIER A , BOUIX J , d' IVERNOIS JF. L’infirmière en pratique avancée, Maloine, 2022

Email : alain.mercier@univ-paris13.fr




PhD Santé Publique, Chargée de recherche et d’enseignement

Dominique Pougheon Bertrand is developing research in the field of rare diseases, and more specifically cystic fibrosis, on patient partnership in quality and safety approaches to care pathways, on collecting and taking into account patient experience to improve care and health pathways, and on innovative practices promoting patient empowerment and participation in their care, such as the integration of connected objects in patient care and health.

Activités récentes : Teaching part :
Coordinator of the Master 2 in Healthcare Quality and Safety
Coordinator of the Master 2 in Care Quality and Safety as part of the partnership between USPN and IFCS AP-HP
Lecturer in several teaching units of the Master1, DE IPA and DFGSM courses on the themes of patient partnership and improving the quality and safety of care pathways.

Research part:
As part of two successive grants obtained from the IReSP (2019) and the ANR (SAPS-RP1-RA 2022), I am coordinating a research program on characterizing the patient experience of health and life paths with cystic fibrosis, leading to the definition of a conceptual framework and questionnaires for collecting patient experience, and their testing in a selection of study sites, resource and skills centers and patient associations, to assess their feasibility and usefulness in improving the quality of care and patient experience.

Publications récentes : 1. Belgodère L, Pougheon Bertrand D, Jaulent MC, et al. Patient and public involvement in the benefit–risk assessment and decision concerning health products: position of the Scientific Advisory Board of the French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety (ANSM). BMJ Global Health 2023;8:e011966. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2023-011966

2. D. Pougheon Bertrand, A. Fanchini, P. Lombrail, G. Rault, A. Chansard, N. Le Breton, C. Frenod, F. Milon, C. Heymes‑Royer, D. Segretain, M. Silber, S. Therouanne, J. Haesebaert, C. Llerena, P. Micheland and Q. Reynaud. A conceptual framework to develop a patient-reported questionnaire on the cystic fibrosis care pathway in France: the ExPaParM collaborative study. https://ojrd.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13023-023-02640-6.

3. Morsa M, Perrin A, David V, Rault G, Le Roux E, Alberti C, Gagnayre R, Pougheon Bertrand D. Does the use of connected devices contribute to the empowerment of patients with cystic fibrosis for the management of their pulmonary exacerbations? A grounded theory from the MucoExocet study. JMIR Formative Research Accepted 25 oct 2022. doi: 10.2196/38064

4. M Benbouaziz, R Cohen, JB Senegas, M Rousselle, G Guerni, A Cheik Mohamed, J Robert, JM Catheline, G Des Guetz and D Pougheon Bertrand. Préparation diététique à la chirurgie bariatrique par visioconférences pendant la crise sanitaire Covid-19 et perspectives. Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ, 14 2 (2022) 20202. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/tpe/2022009

5. D. Pougheon Bertrand, A. Fanchini, P. Lombrail, G. Rault, A. Chansard, N. Le Breton, C. Frenod, F. Milon, C. Heymes‑Royer, D. Segretain, M. Silber, S. Therouanne, J. Haesebaert, C. Llerena, P. Michel and Q. Reynaud. Collaborative research protocol to define patient‑reported experience measures of the cystic fibrosis care pathway in France: the ExPaParM study. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13023-022-02204-0

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Yannick RUELLE

Yannick RUELLE

Professeur associé en médecine générale

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Dos Santos A, Benaziza N, Laurent J, Spindler D, Ruelle Y. Complementary therapies: a risk of rupture with general medicine? A qualitative study about the personal healthcare journey of shiatsu users in France. J Integr Complement Med 2022. Epub ahead of print.

• Aïm-Eusebi A, Ruelle Y, Frèche B, Houllemare M, Bonillo A, Bouaziz L, Rat C, Gocko X, Cerisey C, Aubin-Auger I, Ferrat E. What do women and healthcare professionals expect of decision aids for breast cancer screening? A qualitative study in France. BMJ Open 2022;12(3):e058879.

• Ruelle Y, Gross O, Gagnayre R, Mercier A. Enseigner avec les patients aux internes de médecine générale : un programme innovant, un modèle d'intégration. exercer 2022;181:140-2.

• Chevallier F, Duhot D, Ruelle Y, Mercier A, Lombrail P, Saynac Y. Plaidoyer pour l’intégration des patients formateurs dans l’enseignement des futurs médecins généralistes à partir de l’expérience de l’université Sorbonne Paris Nord et de la littérature internationale. Revue française des affaires sociales 2020;1:281-93.

Email : yannick.ruelle@univ-paris13.fr

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Maître de conférences – Praticien Hospitalier en Odontologie. Département de santé publique. UFR d’Odontologie - Université Paris Cité Service Hospitalier Pitié Salpêtrière

My research work is part of the laboratory's oral health research program which includes several axes: care pathway, oral health literacy, early intervention, development of a therapeutic patient education program for very young children, whose objective is to reduce social inequalities in oral health. I am interested in how to intervene with pregnant women in order to reduce their risk factors for developing oral pathologies and those of their unborn child.
My research also focuses on :
- Therapeutic patient education and dentistry.
- Ethical aspects of the relationship with the patient and training of future professionals.
- Contribution of health pedagogy in the training of future professionals.

Activités récentes :


1. ZANINI M*, TENENBAUM A*, AZOGUI-LÉVY S. Carie dentaire, un enjeu de santé publique. EMC - Traité de Médecine Ako 2021;24(4):1-9 [Article 7-1102].

2. TENENBAUM A, BAS AC, AZOGUI-LEVY Sylvie. Étudiants en odontologie et crise sanitaire Covid 19. Initiatives pédagogiques du département de santé publique. Ped Med. 2020 ;21 :253-255

3. TENENBAUM A, MOUTEL G, WOLIKOW M, VIAL-DUPUY A, AZOGUI-LEVY S. Implementation of a medical ethics course in undergraduate dental education. Assessment of knowledge and attitudes. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry 2020;10:569-78

4. TENENBAUM A, MARRIC S, BAS A, TOLEDO R, DESCROIX V, AZOGUI-LEVY S. Consultations pour urgence bucco-dentaire chez les enfants : étude rétrospective en Ile-de-France. Revue d’épidémiologie et de santé publique. 2020 ;68(1) : 17-24

Email : annabelle.tenenbaum@u-paris.fr

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Pharmacien, Maitre de conférences- Praticien Hospitalier en Pharmacie clinique et éducation thérapeutique du patient

Pharmacist MCU-PH at Angers University Hospital
Work on the exploration of patients' health behaviors in relation to their medication management, the development of patient care pathways and city-hospital interprofessional links.

Activités récentes : Deployment of the PARTAGE GHT49 clinical pharmacy system, enabling continuity of individualized, secure drug management for patients between the city and the hospital as part of their care pathway. Currently, over 8,000 patients are included in the system in Maine et Loire (Prix de l'Ordre National des Pharmacien in 2022).

Publications récentes : • Corvaisier M, Duval O, Paillassa J, Hunault-Berger M, Spiesser-Robelet L. Implementation of pharmaceutical consultations in oncohematology in a teaching hospital: Over one-year outcomes. Ann Pharm Fr. 2023;81(4).
• Corvaisier M, Pierson A, Viollin AS, Asfar M, Duval G, Otekpo M, Annweiler C, Spiesser-Robelet L. Quelles optimisations envisager vis-à-vis du recours aux psychotropes chez la personne âgée ? Focus groups en gériatrie [How to optimise the use of psychotropic drugs in the elderly? Focus groups in a geriatric unit]. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 2023 Jun 1;21(2):192-202. French. doi: 10.1684/pnv.2023.1097. PMID:37519077.
• Yazdanbakhsh.M, Spiesser-Robelet.L, de Andrade.V, Gagnayre.R. Teaching strategies and learning environments for breastfeeding promotion: a scoping review. Therapeutic Patient Education. 2022: 14(1)10501.
• Spiesser-Robelet L, Maurice A, Gagnayre R. Understanding Breastfeeding Women's Behaviors Toward Medication: Healthcare Professionals' Viewpoint. Journal of Human Lactation. 2019 ;35(1):137-153.
• Spiesser-Robelet L, Brunie V, de Andrade V, Gagnayre R. Knowledge, Representations, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Women Faced With Taking Medications While Breastfeeding. J Hum Lact. 2017 Feb;33(1):98-114. doi: 10.1177/0890334416679383. Epub 2016 Dec 27. PMID: 28027444.
• Spiesser-Robelet L, Gagnayre R. Commentary on the article "Postpartum women's use of medicines and breastfeeding practices: a systematic review". Int Breastfeed J. 2016 Jul 21;11:20. doi: 10.1186/s13006-016-0080-y. PMID: 27446230; PMCID: PMC4955268.

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