
Effet de Halo

Halo effect or when educated patients educate their spouses in turn

Project overview Specific objective 1-2-1: To study the conditions favorable to collaborative work between patients, persons and professionals.
We explored the hypothesis of education of their relatives by patients, following participation in a TPE. A study conducted in 2021, associating the LEPS and the CHU of Montpellier with 157 patients and their caregivers who participated in 43 TPE programs revealed that there is indeed a "Halo effect": educated patients in turn educate their caregivers and derive useful help in daily life, linked to a better understanding by the caregivers of their disease.
As a result, the latter participate better in the management of their loved one's therapy. The Halo effect not only affects the empowerment of the caregiver, but also contributes more globally to the dissemination of health skills, which should be taken into account when considering the economics of TVE and the future of TVE programs that involve caregivers more.
A new study on the Halo effect (2021) involving LEPS and the University of Aix Marseille (University School of Maieutics) consisted of a survey of 96 pregnant women who had participated in a birth and parenthood preparation program (PNP) and their 93 spouses
The results are globally identical to those of the previous study: the transmission of knowledge and skills by women to their spouses results in better collaboration within the couple during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Collaboration University Hospital of Montpellier
School of Maieutics of the University of Marseille

Valuation already in place - Albano MG ; d'Ivernois JF ; Langlume L ; Ahouah M ; de la Tribonnière X
The Halo Effect: when educated patients educate their caregivers in turn
Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ 2021, 13, 10204

Riquet S ; Albano MG ; Memoli N ; Zakarian C ; de la Tribonnière X
Birth and parenthood preparation: the Halo effect or when educated pregnant women educate their spouses in turn.
Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ 2022. In Press

Research team

Maria Grazia ALBANO

Maria Grazia ALBANO

Professeur agrégé confirmé de la Faculté de Médecine de Bari (Italie) : secteur disciplinaire MED/02 ; enseignements dans la formation de base: « Histoire de la Médecine » et « Education du patient » dans dans la formation de spécialité en Odontologie

- Director of the Center of Pedagogy of Health Sciences, University of Foggia (2003-2021)
- Responsible for the International Master in Therapeutic Patient Education, University of Foggia (2003-2004)
- Coordinator of the Research Doctorate in Didactics of Medicine, University of Foggia (2003-2008)
- Coordinator of the 1st year medical exams in the "Humanities" area, University of Bari (from 2021 to date)

Activités récentes : - Teacher in the Master of Public Health, specialty: "Health Education", University of Paris 13, UE: "Evaluation of Therapeutic Patient Education" (from 2003 to 2011)
- Coordinator of the course "Therapeutic Patient Education" for the ARS (ASL) of Bari
- Coordinator of the Advanced courses: "Therapeutic Patient Education" for the University of Bari (A.A. 2000/01) and Foggia (A.A. 1999/2000- 2001/2002)
- Associate researcher at LEPS since 2003

Publications récentes : - -Albano MG ; Gagnayre R ; De Andrade V ; d’Ivernois JF
L’éducation précédant la sortie de l’hôpital : nouvelle forme d’éducation thérapeutique. Critères de qualité et perspectives d’application à notre contexte
Revue ARSI N° 141, 2020/2, pages 70 à 77
- Albano MG ; d’Ivernois JF ; Langlume L ; Ahouah M ; de la Tribonnière X
L’effet de Halo : quand les patients éduqués éduquent à leur tour leurs aidant

Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ 2021, 13, 10204
- Riquet S ; Albano MG ; Memoli N ; Zakarian C ; de la Tribonnière X
Préparation à la naissance et à la parentalité : l’effet de Halo ou quand les femmes enceintes éduquées éduquent à leur tour leur conjoint.
Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ. Volume 14, Number 2, 2022

Email :

ResumePublication 1Publication 2Publication 3

Jean François d’IVERNOIS

Jean François d’IVERNOIS

Professeur émérite LEPS

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Albano MG ; d’Ivernois JF ; Langlume L ; Ahouah M ; de la Tribonnière X
L’effet de Halo : quand les patients éduqués éduquent à leur tour leurs aidant

Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ 2021, 13, 10204

Email :


Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation