
Recherche collaborative sur le logement d’abord

Living with housing after homelessness

Project overview Objective: to understand how people who have been homeless construct their housing identity in permanent housing (in boarding houses or in traditional social housing)
The research carried out in ALFI's boarding houses is collaborative and involves residents who have previously lived without a home and professionals involved in supporting them within the structures. The research has shown that the Housing-Identity is constructed by recursive loops between past and present habits, producing new perceptions about oneself and one's environment. It allows us to characterize the concept of housing-identity in more detail by highlighting the key role of the feeling of ontological security in the reconstruction of identity and the impact of the durability of housing on this feeling. Capabilities linked to housing identity were formalized in order to propose a tool to the stakeholders (social workers, residents, decision-makers) to develop support in the residences based on the factors that would promote or limit the development of these capabilities.
These initial results will be enriched by an ongoing study of single-parent families who have been homeless and are now housed in conventional social housing.
The research began in January 2019. Final results will be formalized in the first half of 2023.

Collaboration ALFI; CPH Arcade Vyv; Antin Résidences (Arcade Vyv Group)
Croix Rouge Française ; Action Logement Services

Valuation already in place Trévidy F, Benoist Y, Cocot JP, Cuvilliez P, Le Guen M, Niati A, Gervais M, Petitot, C, and Gagnayre R. Constructing one's identity-housing after a homeless journey: a participatory research in boarding houses. RFAS. 2022;July-September(3).in press
Trévidy F, Le Guen M, Niati A, Cuvilliez P, Cocot JP. Community-based research in boarding houses: how to think about the balance of roles between researchers, professionals and residents? [Internet]. International colloquium presented at: La Recherche en Travail Social et Santé dans les sciences de l'Education et de la Formation (TRESSE) "Le travail de la relation"; 2021 June 30. Available at: https://tresse2020.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/Programme_Colloque_TRESSE.pdf
Havez, F. (Director). (2020). Housing first: A collaborative research [Documentary]. https://vimeo.com/473315084
Havez, F. (Director). (2022). Outside-In [Documentary]. https://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=305362.html

Research team

Frédérique TREVIDY

Frédérique TREVIDY

Chercheuse associée au Laboratoire Educations et Pratiques de Santé (Leps) UR 3412 Docteure des sciences de l’éducation ; Directrice du pôle ingénierie sociale de l’ALFI

Having defended my doctoral thesis at LEPS in December 2013, I have been an associate researcher there since then. My research is conducted in the framework of a partnership between LEPS and ALFI, which is an association of the Arcade Vyv group (a social housing group composed of several HLM organizations).
My research themes deal with the construction of an identity relationship between the person and his/her housing, formalized by the concept of "Identity-Housing. The approach is constructivist and is in line with the ecological and systemic model of environmental psychology, placing the individual and his or her dwelling at the center of an environment, with which he or she will interact, develop learning and projections. Our research method is collaborative and involves the people concerned (residents, tenants, social and health workers) in the protocol. We explore the mechanisms of identity construction (cognitive processes, learning, feelings of identity) and propose intervention methods and tools for professionals and tenants in social housing. For example: a person-centered education model, transferable to social housing enterprises, to prevent falls among elderly tenants. Or the proposal of a reflexive tool allowing to question and to make evolve the accompaniment of the residents in boarding houses (identification of conversion factors favouring or limiting the development of housing-identity capabilities).

Activités récentes : Collaborative research with boarding house residents:

Havez, F. (Director). (2020). Housing first: A collaborative research [Documentary]. https://vimeo.com/473315084

Havez, F. (Director). (2022). Outside-In [Documentary]. https://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=305362.html

Publications récentes : Trévidy F, Benoist Y, Cocot JP, Cuvilliez P, Le Guen M, Niati A, Gervais M, Petitot, C, et Gagnayre R. Construire son identité-logement après un parcours sans domicile : une recherche participative en pension de famille. RFAS. 2022;juillet-septembre(3).sous presse

Trévidy F, Torrot-Arrocet D, Brunie V, Peyronnie MM, Wolfrom J, Brugidou G, et Gagnayre R. Étude sur la transférabilité d’une intervention d’éducation en santé dans le parc HLM : une méthode de recherche à l’épreuve du transfert pour décrire autrement les fonctions-clés: Global Health Promotion [Internet]. 12 avr 2021 [cité 14 avr 2021]; Disponible sur: https://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/ZZEMY4WX2WAWISJVZXDR/full

Email :

ORCIDResumeL’apport des neurosciences au modèle de l’IdentitéÉtude sur la transférabilité d’une intervention d’VIMEOALFI



Directeur du LEPS UR 3412

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Pennecot C, Luu M, Marchand C, Gagnayre R, Dechannes N, Rudoni S, Hilaire AM, Demongeot A, Capelle D, Bardou M. First use of Simulation in Therapeutic Patient Education (S-TPE) in adults with diabetes: a pilot study. BMJ Open. 2022 Feb 28;12(2):e049454. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049454. PMID: 35228274; PMCID: PMC8886441. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35228274/

Email : remi.gagnayre@univ-paris13.fr




Directrice de Recherche

I lead national and international research projects (Europe and Africa) on e-health and psycho-social approaches and/or policies in public health, psychiatry and mental health.
Areas of work /Vulnerable population, social inequality of health, health promotion, analysis of professional practices, program evaluation.

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : 1. Kane, H., Gourret Baumgart, J., Fond-Harmant, L. & Denis, F. (2022). Usages des outils numériques en psychiatrie et santé mentale face à la COVID-19 en Europe. Santé Publique, 34 https://doi.org/10.3917/spub.220.0002c

2. Gourret Baumgart, J., Kane, H., Denis, F. & Fond-Harmant, L. (2022). Travailler en contexte d’incertitudes : l’expérience des professionnels de la santé mentale face à la COVID-19. Santé Publique, 34 https://doi.org/10.3917/spub.220.0009e

3. Gourret Baumgart, J., Kane, H, Absil, G., Deloyer, J., El-Hage, W., Fuenzalida, C., Gavrila-Ardelean, Krzysztof, K., Le Saint, L., Marazziti, D., Moraitou, M., Reunanen, M., Rexhaj, S., Thome, J. Fond-Harmant, L., Denis, F. 2022, Lessons learned from the Covid-19 crisis : recommendations for action to optimize occupational health in mental health professionals in Europe, Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 19(4) : 220-229.

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ORCIDResumePublication 1Publication 2Publication 3

Dominique POUGHEON

Dominique POUGHEON

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

Email :

Christophe BLANCHARD

Christophe BLANCHARD

Maître de conférences en sciences de l'éducation

Université : USPNLaboratoire : Experice

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

Email :

Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In progress (registered)
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