
Educations en santé et soins / Formations en santé et modèles curriculaires

- Health education formats in care and across the lifespan
- Curricular models of health education in the context of patient engagement

Project overview - Health education and health-promoting environments promote the power of action of individuals and groups. In this sense, it is a matter of characterizing the action and learning mechanisms at play and understanding how education and environments (including organizations) can be oriented towards more salutogenesis, organizational literacy and agentivity of individuals and groups. It is also a question of considering forms of lifelong health education that promote the acquisition and maintenance of health competencies (skill life) in a continuum of needs and opportunities by individuals.
- Supporting the individual and collective empowerment of patients implies developing the skills of professionals in the context of interprofessional practice. This requires the transformation/evolution of health professionals' training and an understanding of their learning experiences. The aim is to characterize and model educational systems that contribute to greater professional expertise, that are linked to professional practice and that prepare for the integration of new professions in the healthcare system. The involvement of patients in the health system leads to document the integration of teachers of the patient perspective in the training of health professionals and study their influence on new curricular models of health training.

Collaboration Department of Public Health of the University of Liege: Pr Benoît Pétré

Valuation already in place Theme Health Education and Care
Margat A., Gagnayre R., Education thérapeutique et illétrisme, Rev Education, Santé, Sociétés, vol.8, N°1 pp.42- 64 DOI : 10.17184/eac.9782813004383
Laffitte P., Pétré B., de la Tribonnière X., Gagnayre R., How did caregiver-educators adapt their TVE practices during the COVID-19 crisis? A descriptive survey of 714 FTE programs. Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ 2020, 12, 3-25 https://doi.org/10.1051/tpe/2021001
Margat A., Pétré B., d'Ivernois J-F, Lombrail P., Cailhol J, Gagnayre R. COVID-19: Proposal of an emergency education model Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ 2020, 12, 10402
Margat A., Pétré B., d'Ivernois J-F, Lombrail P., Cailhol J, Gagnayre R. COVID-19: Proposal of an emergency education model Educ Ther Patient/Ther Patient Educ 2020, 12, 10402
Albano MG, Gagnayre R, De Andrade V, D'Ivernois JF. Pre-discharge education: a new form of therapeutic education. Quality criteria and perspectives of application to our context. Rech Soins Infirm. 2020 Jun;(141):70-7.
Pétré, B., Margat, A., Servotte, J. C., Guillaume, M., Gagnayre, R., & Ghuysen, A. (2020). Patient education in the emergency department: taking advantage of the teachable moment. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract, 25(2), 511-517. doi: 10.1007/s10459-019-09893-6
Gross O, Gagnayre R. Salutogenic education based on patients' capabilities: a new component of therapeutic education. Education Thérapeutique du Patient - Therapeutic Patient Education. 2018;10(1):10501.
Pétré B, Gagnayre R, De Andrade V, Ziegler O, Guillaume Ml. From therapeutic patient education principles to educative attitude: the perceptions of health care professionals; a pragmatic approach for defining competencies and resources. Patient Preference and Adherence. 2017;Volume 11:603-17.
Riquet S, Brun N, Frete F, Ammirati C, Gagnayre R, d'Ivernois JF. Family health education, modeling and experimentation of new educational interventions to carry care and relief. Educ Ther Patient/ Ther Patient Educ. 2016;8(2):20107.
d'Ivernois JF, Gagnayre R, Rodary E, Brun D. Education of families to "Carry Care and Rescue": a new concept in the field of health education. Education thérapeutique du patient - Therapeutic patient education. 2010;2(1):1-6.

Health education and curricular models
Gross O., Gagnayre R. Reducing epistemic injustices through teaching by and with patients: the pragmatist experience of the Bobigny medical school Canadian Journal of Bioethics 2021; 4 (1): 70-78
Gross O., Gagnayre R., Characteristics of patients' knowledge and links with their powers of action: implication for medical education (2019), Revue française de Pédagogie, 201, oct-nov-dec 2017, pp.71-82
Aires MJ, Gagnayre R, Gross O, Khau C-A, Haghighi S, Mercier A, et al. The Patient Teacher in General Practice Training: Perspectives of Residents. Journal of Patient Experience. 2018:237437351880363.
Gross O, Ruelle Y, Sannié T, Khau C-A, Marchand C, Mercier A, Cartier T, Gagnayre R. A university department of general medicine facing the challenge of health democracy: training of general medicine interns by patient-teachers. French journal of social affairs. 2017(1):61-78.
Gross O, Ruelle Y, Gagnayre R. Patient-teachers, a revolution in physician training. Le Monde - Sciences. 2016.

Research team



Directeur du LEPS UR 3412

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Pennecot C, Luu M, Marchand C, Gagnayre R, Dechannes N, Rudoni S, Hilaire AM, Demongeot A, Capelle D, Bardou M. First use of Simulation in Therapeutic Patient Education (S-TPE) in adults with diabetes: a pilot study. BMJ Open. 2022 Feb 28;12(2):e049454. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049454. PMID: 35228274; PMCID: PMC8886441. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35228274/

Email : remi.gagnayre@univ-paris13.fr


Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation