

Study of Factors of Physical Activity in ONCOlogy (FACT_Onco)

Project overview The benefits of physical activity in oncology are no longer in question. Despite policies in favor of the implementation of physical activity in the oncology care pathway in France, many patients find it difficult to initiate and maintain an active lifestyle during and after treatment. This constitutes a real loss of opportunity. It is now necessary to go beyond the evaluation of the outcome of physical activity interventions, and to try to understand and explain to what extent these interventions work in oncology and how they can be proposed and accessible to the greatest number of patients.
My thesis work at the Léon Bérard Cancer Center, started in 2010, sought to evaluate the feasibility of implementing the first 6-month supervised Adapted Physical Activity (APA) program in France, starting on the first day of adjuvant breast cancer chemotherapy, in a health care facility. This research evaluated criteria for the effect of the intervention, but also for the process (adherence, feasibility, cost-effectiveness). The study found that a supervised ABS program of two to three sessions per week was feasible for patients and the institution during treatment, was cost-effective for ABS, and was highly satisfactory from the patients' perspective.
Since then, our work has been oriented towards the establishment of national multidisciplinary recommendations through investment in working groups of learned societies and professional societies, allowing in particular the place of APA in supportive cancer care to be asserted. In addition, we investigated the meso-environment by exploring the issues of coordination of the actors in the care pathway, their training and their representations of APA.
We will then test the implementation of multimodal strategies for promoting physical activity in the community (in, for, and with the community, as close as possible to where people live), with large samples of patients during and after cancer treatment, on a national scale, in both urban and rural settings. The perspective of this work is to determine the levers of action that can be mobilized at different levels (micro, meso and macro), to increase the individual and collective power to act, and to accompany the development of policies for the integration of APA into the treatment pathway.

Valuation already in place International articles:
- Neuzillet C, Anota A*, Foucaut A-M*, Védie A-L*, Antoun S, Barnoud D, Bouleuc C, Chorin F, Cottet V, Fontaine E, Garabige V, Hébuterne X, Huguet F, Lièvre A, Marchal T, Mouillot T, Peschaud F, Quilliot D, Raynard B, Schneider S, Scotté F, Vansteene D, Mariani P Bouché O, Joly F, on behalf of the Thésaurus National de Cancérologie Digestive (TNCD), Société Nationale Française de Gastroentérologie (SNFGE), Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive (FFCD), Groupe Coopérateur multidisciplinaire en Oncologie (GERCOR), Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer (UNICANCER), Société Française de Chirurgie Digestive (SFCD), Société Française d'Endoscopie Digestive (SFED), Société Française de Radiothérapie Oncologique (SFRO), Association de Chirurgie Hépato-Bilio-Pancréatique et Transplantation (ACHBT) Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC), Société Française des Professionnels en Activité Physique Adaptée (SFP-APA), Société Francophone de Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme (SFNCM), Association Francophone pour Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), Nutrition and Physical Activity: French Intergroup Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatments and follow-up (SNFGE, FFCD, GERCOR, UNICANCER, SFCD, SFED, SFRO, ACHBT, AFC, SFP-APA, SFNCM, AFSOS). BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2021, 11(4):381-395. *Contribution equals
- Hilmi M, Pella A, Benoit O, Foucaut A-M, Mino J-C, Kauffmann A, Rochet F, Heuze E, Pudlarz T, Naoun N, Delpeut C, Peschaud F, Neuzillet C, Training and clinical practices in nutrition and adapted physical activity in digestive oncology: results of a national survey. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2020, 10(30):324-330.
- Febvey-Combes O, Jobard E, Rossary A, Pialoux V, Foucaut A-M, Morelle M, Delrieu L, Martin A, Caldefie-Chézet F, Touillaud M, Elena-Herrmann B, Boumaza H, Bachmann P, Trédan O, Vasson M-P, Fervers B. Effects of an exercise and nutritional intervention on circulating biomarkers and metabolomic profiling during adjuvant treatment for localized breast cancer: results from the PASAPAS feasibility randomized controlled trial. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2020;20:1-10.
- Perrier L, Foucaut A-M, Morelle M, Touillaud M, Kempf-Lépine A-S, Heinz D, Gomez F, Meyrand R, Baudinet C, Berthouze S, Reynes E, Carretier J, Guillemaut S, Pérol D, Trédan O, Philip T, Bachmann P, Fervers B, Cost-effectiveness of an exercise and nutritional intervention versus usual nutritional care during adjuvant treatment for localized breast cancer: the PASAPAS randomized controlled trial. Support Care Cancer, 2020, 28(6): 2829-2842.
- Foucaut A-M, Morelle M, Kempf-Lépine A-S, Baudinet C, Meyrand R, Guillemaut S, Metzger S, Bourne-Branchu V, Grinand E, Chabaud S, Pérol D, Berthouze S, Reynes E, Perrier L, Rebattu P, Heudel P-E, Bachelot T, Bachmann P, Fervers B, Trédan O, Touillaud M, Feasibility of an exercise and nutritional intervention for weight management during adjuvant treatment for localized breast cancer: the PASAPAS randomised controlled trial. Support Care Cancer, 2019 Sep, 27(9): 3449-3461.
- Lafitte C, Etienne-Mastroianni B, Fournel C, Natoli L, Foucaut A-M, Girard N. Implementation of optimized supportive care and hospital needs along the management of patients with advanced lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 2018 Oct, 124, 143-147.
- Foucaut A-M, Berthouze S E, Touillaud M, Morelle M, Bourne-Branchu V, Kempf-Lépine A-S, Carretier J, Pérol D, Trédan O, Bachmann P, Fervers B. Deterioration of physical fitness and metabolic risk factors after early-stage breast cancer diagnosis. Cancer Nursing, 2015 Jul, 38(4), E1-9.
National articles
- Reynes E, Berthouze S, Foucaut A-M, Morelle M, Touillaud M, Fervers B, Effect of changing daily activity pattern on quality of life in women with breast cancer: secondary exploratory analysis of PASAPAS study data, Cancer Bulletin, 2020, 107(7-8): 763-772.
- Foucaut A-M, Berthouze S, Robert B, Brunet M, Calmels P, Coldefy G, Pavic M, and the physical activity and cancer working group, Physical activity and cancer, Hematology, 2016, 22(5): 333-43.
- Reynes E, Berthouze S E., Robert B, Foucaut A-M, Carretier J, Touillaud M, Meyrand R, Baudinet C, Trédan O, Bachmann P, Fervers B, Non-adherence to physical activity after a cancer diagnosis: understanding it to better support patients. Part 1: Understanding non-adherence to regular physical activity, Psycho-Oncology, 2016, 10(3); 179-185.
- Berthouze S E., Reynes E, Carretier J, Foucaut A-M, Touillaud M, Robert B, Baudinet C, Meyrand R, Trédan O, Bachmann P, Fervers B, Non-adherence to physical activity after a cancer diagnosis: understanding it to better accompany patients. Part 2: Adjusting information and support, Psycho-Oncology, 2016, 10(3); 186-192.
- Foucaut A-M, Delrieu L, Meyrand R, Carretier J, Fervers B, Bachmann P, Touillaud M, Breast cancer: place of physical exercise during treatment, Nutrition Practice, 2016, 12(46): 22-26.
- Bachmann P, Baudinet C, Foucaut A-M, Kempf-Lépine A-S, Touillaud M. Physical activity during and after cancer: how to prescribe and for what purposes? Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 2015, 29(2), p 121-125.

- Foucaut A-M* (coord), Neuzillet C* (coord), Anota A* (coord), Farsi F, Beerblock K, Berthouze S, Calmels P, Carretier J, Coldefy G, Delrieu L, Fournié C, Jacquinot Q, Mayer D, Morel B, Scotté F Turpin A, Vanlemmens L, "Fatigue et Cancer", interregional referentials in Oncological Support Care of the Association Francophone de Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), 2020. *Equal contribution
- Neuzillet C, Joly F, Anota A*, Foucaut A-M*, Védie AL*, Antoun S, Barnoud D, Bouleuc C, Chorin F, Cottet V, Fontaine E, Garabige V, Hébuterne X, Huguet F, Lièvre A, Marchal T, Peschaud F, Quilliot D, Raynard B, Schneider S, Scotté F, Vansteene D, Mariani P, Bouché O " Nutrition and Physical Activity in Digestive Oncology ". Thésaurus National de Cancérologie Digestive, April 2020, online [http://www.tncd.org]. *Equal contribution
- Foucaut A-M (coord), Berthouze S, Brunet M, Calmels P, Coldefy G, Jacquinot Q, Lion A, Pavic M, Robert B, " Activité Physique et Cancer ", référentiels inter régionaux en Soins Oncologiques de Support de l'Association Francophone de Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), updated December 2018.
- Institut National du Cancer (INCa), © Référentiel organisationnel national des soins oncologiques de support des patients adultes atteints de cancer / avis d'experts, Collection Recommandations et référentiels / Recommandations de pratique clinique, November 2021. Foucaut A-M (member of the expert group).
- Institut National du Cancer (INCa), © Breast cancer: indicators of quality and safety of care, Collection les Données, March 2019. Foucaut A-M (member of the expert group).
- Foucaut A-M (coord), Jacquinot Q, Ginsbourger T, Turnaco L, Brin C, Hyafil F, Lamotte R. Report and Synthesis of the 1st Workshop Physical Activity and Cancer: all together for the benefit of patients. Paris (France): French Society of Professionals in Adapted Physical Activity (SFP-APA); September 28, 2018.
Invited lectures
- Foucaut A-M. Factors and determinants associated with physical activity during and after cancer treatment. Journées Activité Physique et séquelles liées au cancer, Clermont Ferrand, October 3 and 4, 2022
- Foucaut A-M. Physical interventions. NPIs Satellite: Professional Symposium on Non-Medicinal Interventions (NMI), Ministry of Health, Paris, December 1, 2021
- Foucaut A-M. News on physical activity in oncology in France and quid international. 13th National Congress of Oncological Support Care, Paris, October 7 and 8, 2021
- Foucaut A-M. APA programs in oncology: state of the art, current situation. 3rd national seminar on supportive care in oncology of the Institut Curie, Paris, June 9, 2021
- Foucaut A-M. Référentiel AFSOS : Fatigue et Cancer, Webinar Activité Physique Adaptée et Fatigue : de la prescription à la pratique en oncologie. UFR STAPS / IRFC-FC, Besançon, April 9, 2021
- Foucaut A-M*, Neuzillet C*, Référentiels en soins de support : Fatigue et Cancer. 12th Congress of the Association Francophone des Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), Paris, October 8 and 9, 2020 (Replay from 17') https://afsos.app.swapcard.com/event/congres-de-lafsos/planning/UGxhbm5pbmdfMTc4MzA3 *Equal contribution
- Foucaut A-M. Physical activity and cancer: from clinical case to reference approach and adjustments. 11th Congress of the Association Francophone des Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), Paris, October 3 and 4, 2019
- Foucaut A-M. Physical activity in the oncology care pathway: issues and strategies for the future. Conference at the 3rd regional day of APA: Adapted Physical Activity and Cancer, IRISSE Unit - University of Reunion - SFP-APA, Saint-Gilles, Reunion Island, April 12, 2019
- Foucaut A-M. Promoting and prescribing physical activity in oncology. Conference at the 3rd regional day of APA: Adapted Physical Activity and Cancer, IRISSE Unit - University of Reunion - SFP-APA, Saint-Gilles, Reunion Island, April 12, 2019
- Foucaut A-M. Physical Activity and Breast Cancer, Conference at the 3rd day of Sénologie of the Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie (IUC): Innovation in the management of breast cancer, Faculté de Médecine Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, November 9, 2017
- Foucaut A-M. Brakes and levers to the practice of physical activity: tracks of the Therapeutic Education of the Patient - example of breast cancer, Conference at the scientific seminar "Autonomy of the person and persona" of the Consortium of the AUTON challenge (CNRS) AMISIA (Innovative Multidisciplinary Approach of the Follow-up of Incentive Strategies for the Maintenance of Autonomy), Paris, June 28, 2017
- Foucaut A-M. Etat des lieux de la pratique d'APA en Cancérologie, Conference at the National Congress of the French Society of Professionals in Adapted Physical Activity (SFP-APA), Bobigny, June 8, 2017
- Foucaut A-M. APA in oncology: Research and field, Conference at the 4th day of the Ile de France Society of Sports Medicine and Physical Activity, Paris, April 22, 2017
- Foucaut A-M. Breast cancer and Adapted Physical Activity and Health, Conference at the UPFR SPORT of Besançon, 11 January 2017
- Foucaut A-M. Modalities of prescription of physical activity during the treatment of cancer pathology, Conference at the 11th day of the Société Régionale de Médecine du Sport Centre Val de Loire, Châteauroux, 19 November 2016
- Foucaut A-M. Which training courses? For which Patients? Round table at the workshop-colloquium "sport and cancer" of the 27th international congress on anti-cancer treatment (ICACT), Paris, February 4, 2016
- Aumaitre A, Gagnayre R, Foucaut A-M, Etude des DEterminants et Facteurs de l'Activité physique après les Traitements en Oncologie - DE FACTO, Oral Communication, 1st Interregional Day of Onco-Rehabilitation, Lyon, 17 May 2022
- Aumaitre A, Gagnayre R, Foucaut A-M, Etude exploratoire et interventionnelle sur les DEterminants et Facteurs de l'ACtivité physique après les Traitements en Oncologie - DE FACTO, Communication Orale, 5ème Colloque international sur la recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations de l'INCa, Paris, 29-30 novembre 2021
- Aumaitre A, Gagnayre R, Foucaut A-M, Etude des DEterminants et Facteurs de l'Activité physique après les Traitements en Oncologie - DE FACTO, Communication Orale, XXèmes Journées d'Etudes Francophones en Activités Physiques Adaptées (AFAPA), Caen, 27-28 Mai 2021.
- Foucaut A-M, Jacquinot Q, Ginsbourger T, Turnaco L, Brin C, Hyafil F, Lamotte R, Mougin F, L'activité physique dans le parcours de soins en cancérologie : attentes et perspectives, XXèmes Journées d'Etudes Francophones en Activités Physiques Adaptées (AFAPA), Caen, 27-28 Mai 2021.
- Diné J, Oboeuf A, Pommeyrol A, Foucaut A-M, Longitudinal study of the perception of social support during a restorative stay, for people in remission from cancer, 36th Congress of the French and Francophone Society of Psycho-Oncology, Montpellier, 13-15 November 2019.
- Foucaut A-M, Hilmi M, Benoit O, Pellat A, Heuze E, Mino J-C, Kauffmann A, Rochet F, Delpeut C, Peschaud F-S, Neuzillet C, Are digestive oncology physicians well trained in adapted physical activity? Results of a national survey of digestive surgeons, hepatogastroenterologists and oncologists. Paper posted at the 18th International Congress of the Association of Researchers in Physical and Sports Activities (ACAPS), Paris, October 28-31, 2019.
- Baudinet C, Bernard P-L, Foucaut A-M, Herbinet A, Cartron G, Multicentered randomized controlled trial evaluating effects of a videoconference Adapted Physical Activity program on VO2max of hematological malignancy survivors. Paper posted at the iCEPS conference (5th edition): Non-drug interventions: from methodology to evidence of effectiveness, Montpellier, 18-20 May 2017.
- Febvey O, Touillaud M, Foucaut A-M, Morelle M, Berthouze S, Caldefie-Chezet F, Rossary A, Bachmann P, Trédan O, Vasson M-P, Fervers B, Physical activity during adjuvant breast cancer treatment, 9th scientific day of the Auvergne Human Nutrition Research Center, Cézeaux, 24 November 2016.
- Touillaud M, Foucaut A-M, Mottard-Goerens A, Kempf-Lépine A-S, Carretier J, Hureau M, Berthouze S, Fervers B, Evaluation of a therapeutic patient education program in nutrition and physical activity for the management of the risk of overweight and obesity in women with breast cancer. Paper posted at the Word Cancer Congress 2016. Paris, October 31 - November 3, 2016.
- Touillaud M, Foucaut A-M, Morelle M, Berthouze S, Trédan O, Fervers B, Bachmann P, Weight, body composition and biological changes after a 6-month adapted physical activity program during adjuvant treatment for localized breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial. IARC 50th Anniversary Conference. Global Cancer: Occurrence, Causes, and Avenues to Prevention. Lyon, 7-10 June 2016.
- Perrier L, Foucaut A-M, Touillaud M, Kempf-Lepine A-S, Morelle M, Heinz D, Gomez F, Meyrand R, Baudinet C, Berthouze S, Carretier J, Denizot-Guillemaut S, Pérol D, Trédan O, Philip T, Reynes E, Bachmann P, Fervers B, A cost-effectiveness analysis of a 6-month physical activity program versus usual dietary care during adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients ; 21st Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Washington DC, May 21-25, 2016. Published in Value in Health 19(3):A149-A150 - May 2016.
- Foucaut A-M, Kempf-Lépine A-S, Mottard-Goerens A, Baudinet C, Hureau M, Berthouze S, Fervers B, Touillaud M, Evaluation of a therapeutic patient education nutrition program for the management of the risk of overweight and obesity in women with breast cancer. 6th European Congress of the SETE Therapeutic Patient Education Health - Creativity, Geneva, 18-20 May 2016.
- Foucaut A-M, Baudinet C, Kempf-Lépine A-S, et al, Prise en charge du risque de surpoids et d'obésité chez des femmes atteintes d'un cancer du sein : exemple d'un programme nutritionnel d'éducation thérapeutique du patient, XVIIIe journées Francophones en Activités Physiques Adaptées (AFAPA), Amiens, 12-14 Mai 2016.
- Febvey O, Touillaud M, Foucaut A-M, Morelle M, Berthouze S, Caldefie-Chezet F, Rossary A, Bachmann P, Trédan O, Vasson M-P, Fervers B, Physical activity during adjuvant breast cancer treatment: effects on circulating hormone and cytokine levels. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Montpellier, November 30 to December 2, 2016.
- Mottard-Goerens A, Foucaut A-M, Kempf-Lépine A-S, Baudinet C, Hureau M, Berthouze S, Fervers B, Touillaud M, Evaluation of a therapeutic patient education nutrition program for the management of overweight and obesity risk in women with breast cancer. Rhône-Alpes Auvergne CLARA cancer research forum, Lyon, March 29-30, 2016.
- Kempf-Lépine A-S, Mottard-Goerens A, Baudinet C, Belladame E, Hureau M, Pérol D, Bachmann P, Berthouze S, Foucaut A-M, Carretier J, Fervers B, Touillaud M, Evaluation of a therapeutic patient education nutrition program for the management of the risk of overweight and obesity in women with breast cancer. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Marseille, December 9-11, 2015. Published in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Volume 30 (3), Page 272 Sept 2016.
- Foucaut A-M, Touillaud M, Morelle M, Berthouze SE, Kempf-Lépine A-S, Baudinet C, Meyrand R, Carretier J, Trédan O, Fervers B, Bachmann P. Changes in weight, body composition, and lipid profile after a 6-month program of adapted physical activity during adjuvant treatment of localized breast cancer: A randomized controlled trial. International Congress on non-drug interventional research (iCEPS) 2015, Montpellier, March 19-21, 2015.
- Neuzillet C, Vergnault M, Foucaut A-M, Touillaud M, Bonnetain F, Hammel P, Adapted physical activity and unresectable pancreatic cancer: the APACaP multicenter randomized controlled trial. International Congress on non-drug interventional research (iCEPS) 2015, Montpellier, March 19-21, 2015.
- Neuzillet C, Vergnault M, Foucaut A-M, Touillaud M, Bonnetain F, Hammel P, Physical activity in patients with unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A multicentric randomized controlled study (APACaP study). Congress 2015 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), San Francisco, California, January 15-17, 2015. Published in Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2015 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, 33(3) suppl.
- Sarreboubee C, Aumaitre A, Foucaut A-M, Barriers and facilitators to physical activity at the end of cancer treatment, in Seine-Saint-Denis, a socially precarious environment: a socio-ecological approach. Dissertation for the M2 Public Health course Therapeutic Education and Health Education (ETES), Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, 2022.
- Parra Yepes N-J, Gofti-Laroche L, Foucaut A-M, Barriers to physical activity in adolescents and young adults with cancer. Dissertation of M2 STAPS mention APA-S parcours Sport Sante et Société (SP2S), University of Paris.
- Diné J, Oboeuf A, Pommeyrol A, Foucaut A-M, Influence of a post-cancer restorative stay on the perception of social support of the person in remission. Dissertation of M2 STAPS mention APA-S parcours Sport Sante et Société (SP2S), University of Paris.
- Crecel R, Delrieu L, Foucaut A-M, Barriers and facilitators to physical activity in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Dissertation for M2 Public Health, Human Nutrition course, Sorbonne Paris Nord University.
Popularized communications, general public and media
- "In Vivo - EP03 - For this lecturer, physical activity does not lack air!" ARC Foundation's IN VIVO project - When 5 cancer researchers abandon jargon to speak with passion. September 1, 2021.
- Prescribing APA is a contract between doctor and patient. Interview by Vincent Guerrier and Léa Dall'Aglio for Malade de Sport, Le site d'information dédié au sport santé, Foucaut A-M and Vergnault M. February 16, 2021.
- Physical activity is a first necessity for patients. Dall'Aglio L, Guerrier V, Fourneyron V, Feltz A, Carré F, Duclos M, Ninot G, Babin E, Tourny C, Vuillemin A, SFP-APA, Barucq G, Blaizot X, Chèze S, Daireaux A, Desvergé A, Ferrandez C, Foucaut A-M, Levavasseur G, Marais N, Mesnildrey J, Peullier A, Ruet A, Vergnault M, APA de Géant, S'Capad Santé, Huré F, Opinion column in Le Journal de l'Orne, 3 December 2020.
- Foucaut A-M. Physical activity in oncology: effects, issues and strategies for the future. Conference #6 Physical Activity & Cancer. Cycle de conférences sur l'Activité physique, la Fatigue et la Santé, Chaire ActiFS, Université de Saint-Etienne, Web-conference, 5 November 2020 https://youtu.be/5lxbFvGBJsI
- Physical activity is a first necessity for patients. Dall'Aglio L, Guerrier V, Fourneyron V, Feltz A, Carré F, Duclos M, Ninot G, Babin E, Tourny C, Vuillemin A, SFP-APA, Barucq G, Blaizot X, Chèze S, Daireaux A, Desvergée A, Ferrandez C, Foucaut A-M, Levavasseur G, Marais N, Mesnildrey J, Peullier A, Ruet A, Vergnault M, Tribune in Le Journal du Dimanche, 14 November 2020.
- A day to promote physical activity and cancer, Foucaut A-M., Report in Le Monde Pharmaceutique, 8 June 2018.
- Tribune " Physical activity, an ally in the fight against cancer ", Foucaut A-M., Krakowski I, Le Quotidien du Médecin n°9670, June 4, 2018.
- 2018: "Cancer: how to urgently include physical activity?", Foucaut A-M., Krakowski I, Le Figaro n°22957, Questions-réponses santé section, page 11, 4 June 2018.

Research team

Aude-Marie FOUCAUT

Aude-Marie FOUCAUT

Maître de conférences en Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives (STAPS)

Responsible for the two STAPS Master's courses in Adapted Physical Activity and Health (APA-S), Physical Activity, Sport, Health (AP2S) and Physical Activity, Sport, Handicap and Inclusion (APSHI). I am conducting my research in the field of Public Health in order to evaluate - beyond the effect of physical activity - its feasibility, its obstacles and its facilitators in the field of health.

Activités récentes : Active lifestyle is a complex health behavior, determined by many factors at micro, meso and macro environmental levels. Our current research aims to increase our knowledge of these factors and to explain them within ecological models. Thanks to the experience gained at the Health & Wellness Lab of the University of Calgary (Alberta, Canada) during a CRCT from 2022 to 2023, and based on the results of previous studies, we will be able to implement projects in France based on implementation science, with large samples of patients. We will then be able to document variables that are unfortunately still under-evaluated in multimodal programs promoting physical activity in secondary and tertiary prevention, such as acceptability, adoption, feasibility, fidelity, safety, reach, sustainability, integration into the care pathway, and cost.

Publications récentes : Ouvrage :
- Foucaut A-M (coord), Vergnault M, Landry A, Lhuissier F, Chapelot D, Ordonnances - Activité Physique : 90 prescriptions, Paris, Maloine, 8 octobre 2020. 467 pages.

Chapitre d’ouvrage :
- Foucaut A-M, Activité physique, santé et éducation thérapeutique du patient chronique, in 4ème éd. Education thérapeutique – Prévention et maladies chroniques, coord. Simon D, Bourdillon F, Popelier M, Grimaldi A, coll. Abrégés de médecine, Paris, Elsevier Masson, 19 août 2020. 432 pages.

Revues internationales :
- Houzard S, Courtois E, Le Bihan Benjamin C, Lefeuvre D, Erbault M, Arnould L, Barranger E, Coussy F, Couturaud B, Cutuli B, de Cremoux P, de Reilhac P, de Seze C, Foucaut A-M, Gompel A, Honoré S, Lesur A, Mathelin C, Verzaux L, Bousquet P-J, Monitoring breast cancer care quality at national and local level using the French National Cancer Cohort. Clinical Breast Cancer, 2022, 22(7):e832-e841
- Neuzillet C, Anota A#, Foucaut A-M#, Védie A-L#, Antoun S, Barnoud D, Bouleuc C, Chorin F, Cottet V, Fontaine E, Garabige V, Hébuterne X, Huguet F, Lièvre A, Marchal T, Mouillot T, Peschaud F, Quilliot D, Raynard B, Schneider S, Scotté F, Vansteene D, Mariani P, Bouché O, Joly F, on behalf of the Thésaurus National de Cancérologie Digestive (TNCD), Société Nationale Française de Gastroentérologie (SNFGE), Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive (FFCD), Groupe Coopérateur multidisciplinaire en Oncologie (GERCOR), Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer (UNICANCER), Société Française de Chirurgie Digestive (SFCD), Société Française d’Endoscopie Digestive (SFED), Société Française de Radiothérapie Oncologique (SFRO), Association de Chirurgie Hépato-Bilio-Pancréatique et Transplantation (ACHBT), Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC), Société Française des Professionnels en Activité Physique Adaptée (SFP-APA), Société Francophone de Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme (SFNCM), Association Francophone pour Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), Nutrition and Physical Activity: French Intergroup Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatments and follow-up (SNFGE, FFCD, GERCOR, UNICANCER, SFCD, SFED, SFRO, ACHBT, AFC, SFP-APA, SFNCM, AFSOS). BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2021, 11(4):381-395

Email :




Directeur du LEPS UR 3412

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Pennecot C, Luu M, Marchand C, Gagnayre R, Dechannes N, Rudoni S, Hilaire AM, Demongeot A, Capelle D, Bardou M. First use of Simulation in Therapeutic Patient Education (S-TPE) in adults with diabetes: a pilot study. BMJ Open. 2022 Feb 28;12(2):e049454. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049454. PMID: 35228274; PMCID: PMC8886441. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35228274/

Email : remi.gagnayre@univ-paris13.fr




Doctorante contractuelle avec missions d’enseignement à l’UFR Santé, Médecine, Biologique Humaine de l’Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. ED ERASME. Thèse en Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives au Laboratoire Educations et Promotion de la Santé UR3412

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

Email :


Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation