
L’éducation à la périnatalité : stratégie et condition pédagogique favorables à la promotion de l’allaitement maternel

Perinatal education: a strategy and pedagogical condition to promote breastfeeding

Project overview Scientific justification
Promoting breastfeeding up to 6 months of age is a global public health issue. However, there is a disparity in the prevalence of breastfeeding in different regions of the world. According to perinatal surveys, the rate of breastfeeding (BF) at birth has significantly decreased between 2010 and 2016.
Government plans call for the promotion of AM. However, they do not include an action plan or education program to promote AM. Yet, the educational needs of women and the need for reflective practice on the part of professionals are highlighted by perinatal surveys. At present, in France, there is no breastfeeding education program and professionals accompany women by implementing experimental actions without taking into account the complexity of the promotional dimension (producing a behavioral change) and the educational dimension (understanding the pedagogy of the proposed actions)
Objective and main evaluation criteria
To know the contribution of the pedagogical engineering (of the current educational interventions carried out antenatally and postnatally) on the choice and continuation of breastfeeding from the point of view of the women until the 4th month after the birth of the child.
- The proportion of women breastfeeding from (CG) and (IM) up to the 4th month after the birth of the child.
Secondary objectives and evaluation criteria
- To identify the contexts and mechanisms that influence (or not) the management of breastfeeding up to 4 months after the birth of the child.
- To evaluate women's satisfaction with the set of educational interventions offered with educational engineering in antenatal and postnatal to promote AM.
- To know the contribution of the application of educational engineering in the professional practice of caregivers by identifying the contexts, the generative mechanisms that influence (or not) their practices to promote AOS
- Understand and explain the interactions between the contexts, the generative mechanisms that influence (or not) the professionals' skills to promote breastfeeding
- Evaluate the satisfaction of professionals in the liberal and hospital sectors with the application of educational engineering on the set of interventions carried out in antenatal and postnatal to promote AM.
Selected centers:
Staff of AP-HP maternity hospitals (Port-Royal, Armand Trousseau and Tenon), private midwives' offices
Population concerned
Pregnant women, then women who have given birth and professionals from the hospital and private sectors (midwives, nurses, nursery nurses, nursery assistants)
Inclusion criteria
Pregnant women, aged over 18 years, nulliparous or multiparous, simple pregnancy, physiological course, French-speaking and professionals in the field of perinatal care participating in the study
Number of subjects selected
Private midwives: 6, maternity care providers: 60, control group women: 60
Women in the intervention group: 60, Number of maternity units: 3
Duration of the research
Total duration of the study: 10 months
Type of study
Multicentric, Mixed (quantitative and qualitative), with a comprehensive and explanatory approach
Source of funding
No funding

Valuation already in place Teaching strategies and learning environments for breastfeeding promotion: a scoping review.

Research team

Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation