
Comment adapter une intervention éducative brève intégrant les éléments d’un environnement propice à l’expression des compétences en littératie en santé aux patients consultant aux urgences bucco-dentaires ?

How do we tailor a brief educational intervention that incorporates elements of a supportive environment for the expression of health literacy skills to patients visiting oral health emergencies?

Project overview Inequalities in oral health closely mirror inequalities in general health and remain persistent in many developed countries despite improvements in oral health. Oral health is a marker of social inequalities in dental health that is directly related to socioeconomic position and disproportionately affects disadvantaged populations for whom it represents an additional burden of disease.
It is not easy to understand the causes, but according to the WHO, social determinants act on health status according to a chain causality mechanism.
One of the most important determinants is the lack of access to dental care. Another determinant of major importance in the fight against social inequalities in health is oral health literacy. The existence of these social inequalities in dental health is a daily observation in emergency departments, both because of the diversity of the populations that use them and the pathologies that are treated there, and because of the role that they play in the articulation of patients' care pathways. In view of these observations, it is necessary to find solutions for changing these determinants. The emergency consultation has been identified on several occasions as an opportunity to implement educational interventions and reduce the risk of complications, especially when the educational intervention is specifically adapted to the reason for the consultation, it is then conducive to the implementation of learning modalities specific to a brief educational intervention. It is necessary for emergency department personnel to take ownership of the field of epidemiological research on precarious populations and to develop interventional studies in order to improve care upstream and downstream of oral emergencies.
Hence the formulation of our preliminary question.

Research team



Cheffe de clinique des universités-assistante hospitalière (CCU-AH)

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

Email : iba.rodriguez@gmail.com


Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation