

Crossed Approaches of Computer Modeling of Food Messages and Field Investigations for Food Education

Project overview MODALITEA is a participative research-action involving scientists from different disciplines and actors from civil life (children, parents, teachers, school catering agents but also public or associative actors). The main objective of MODALITEA is to produce recommendations for a multidimensional food education program on a territorial scale aiming to generate a new dynamic on the part of the actors involved in food and to modify the eating habits of children and their families in order to participate in the ecological transition and improve their health. This project proposes an original scientific approach to the dissemination of educational messages intended for children and then conveyed by them, leading to a computer model of the propagation of messages and associated behavioral changes, which can be used to evaluate the coordinated system co-constructed with civil life actors and implemented in the Est Ensemble territory, chosen as a testing ground. By providing results on the effectiveness of the educational actions deployed at the territorial level, both in terms of the dynamics generated between the different actors, and in terms of changes in the eating behaviors of children and their families, MODALITEA aims to significantly improve eating practices by taking into account nutritional and sustainability issues thanks to more effective and better coordinated food education actions at the territorial level. The territorial anchoring of these educational actions will allow this project to be effectively integrated in the issues of public health and ecological transition in several territories of Ile-de-France, starting with the EPT Est Ensemble, but also on a national scale.

Collaboration Scientific partners:
LEPS, USPN, INSERM: Aurélie Maurice (MCF), Thomas Marquillier (MCU-PH), Maxime Morsa (MCF), Vincent de Andrade
PNCA, AgroParisTech: Nicolas Darcel (MCF HDR)
IATE, INRAe, Univ Montpellier : Rallou Thomopoulos (DR)
GAEL, Univ Grenoble, INRAe : Sabrina Teyssier (CR), Carole Treibich (MCF)
MIAT, Univ Toulouse, INRAe : Patrick Taillandier (DR)
LIPN, USPN, CNRS : Céline Rouveirol, Guillaume Santini, Aomar Osmani, Nathalie Pernelle
ECONOMIX, Univ Paris Nanterre, CNRS: Noémi Berlin (CR CNRS)
Field partners :
ARS Ile de France
EPT Est Ensemble
Lilas City Hall
La Butinerie
From our plate to our planet

Research team



Maître de conférences en sciences de l'éducation et de la formation

After initial training as a nutritionist engineer at AgroParisTech, I completed a thesis in the sociology of food at INRAe's ALISS laboratory, and in educational science at the CERLIS laboratory of Paris Descartes University, on the theme of food education in middle schools (defended in 2014). Since then, my research has focused on interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis of discourses on food, and in particular on the evolution of their content over the course of their trajectory within children's networks, and their impact on food preferences and habits. I am also developing participatory research involving civil society players (local authorities, associations, school and extracurricular professionals, pupils and parents) in the co-construction of coordinated food education schemes in a given area. These action-research projects are being developed mainly in the Seine-Saint-Denis département.

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Marchand, C., Communier, A., Maurice, A., Njantou, P., Vilder, C., Figiel, S .. & Thévenin, L. (2022). « Besoins éducatifs en santé en Appartement de Coordination Thérapeutique ». Santé Publique, 34, 9-19. https://doi.org/10.3917/spub.221.0009

Fanchini, A. et Maurice, A. « Devenir médiateur de santé-pair : faire de l’expérience des troubles psychiques une source d’empowerment ? », Revue française des affaires sociales, no. 2, 2021, pp. 169-194. https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-des-affaires-sociales-2021-2-page-169.htm

Comoretto Géraldine, Lhuissier Anne, Maurice Aurélie (dir.), Quand les cantines se mettent à table… Commensalité et identité sociale, Editions Quaé et Educagri, collection Sciences en partage, 2020, 160 p. https://www.quae.com/produit/1613/9782759231157/quand-les-cantines-se-mettent-a-table

Maurice, Aurélie, Claire Kersuzan, Géraldine Comoretto, and Christine Tichit. "Le Choix D’allaiter Son Premier Enfant : Une Décision Maternelle Sous Influence." Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, 2020.

Email : aurelie.maurice@sorbonne-paris-nord.fr

ORCIDResumeProjet MODALITEAPublication 1Publication 2Publication 3Publication 4



Maître de Conférences des Universités Praticien Hospitalier Sous-section 56-01 : Odontologie pédiatrique

Doctor of Dental Surgery (qualified specialist in oral medicine)
Doctor of Public Health
Habilitation to supervise research
Head of the Pediatric Odontology and Conscious Sedation Units at Lille University Hospital.
His work focuses on promoting children's oral health.

Activités récentes : Obtained a call for projects from the DGOS (Programme de recherche sur la performance du système de soins - PREPS) entitled: Prévention en santé orale les mille premiers jours de vie : étude randomisée prospective en Stepped-wedge en PMI dans la région des Haut-de-France (SMILE+).

Publications récentes : 1/ Marquillier T, Azogui-Levy S, Tenenbaum A. A proposal for an oral health educational programme for the first 1000 days of life: from pregnancy to childhood. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2023 Dec;24(6):803-806.

2/ Craquelin M, Marquillier T. Advanced practise dental assistant, a new profession in France, the new strength of prevention? Int J Dent Hyg. 2024 May;22(2):337-338.

3/ Beaugrand A, Ternisien A, Delfosse C, Trentesaux T, Marquillier T. Knowledge, attitudes and practices in oral health of breastfeeding women. Soins Pediatr Pueric. 2024 Jan-Feb;45(336):39-48.

Email : thomas.marquillier@univ-lille.fr / thomas.marquillier@chu-lille.fr

ORCIDResumeResearch GateGoogle ScholarORCIDPubmed



Assistant ingénieur - documentaliste

I am a librarian, I manage the documentation room of the LEPS. I realize the scientific watches, I help the researchers, the doctoral students and the students in their bibliographical research. I participate in the Open Science movement by contributing to HAL in connection with the BU Jean DAUSSET.

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : 1. de Andrade V, Margat A, Verheye J-C, Gagnayre R. Information, éducation du patient et littératie en santé : un rôle à jouer pour les bibliothécaires/documentalistes en France ? Education Thérapeutique du Patient - Therapeutic Patient Education. 2018;10(1):10502.

2. de Andrade V. Comment utiliser PubMed pour les recherches bibliographiques en éducation thérapeutique du patient. Education Thérapeutique du Patient - Therapeutic Patient Education. 2014;6(2):20201.

Email : vincent.deandrade@univ-paris13.fr

ORCIDPublication 1Publication 2

Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation
Site Web