

Comprehensive and descriptive research on the effects of the Académie Populaire de la Santé in Seine-Saint-Denis on health literacy and the representation of health engagement

Project overview Since January 2021, the department of Seine Saint Denis has created a Popular Health Academy. The aim of this academy is to welcome a promotion, composed of inhabitants and health professionals of the Seine-Saint-Denis (recruited on a voluntary basis, after an information campaign). The participants follow a one-year training program, consisting of ten one-day training sessions.
These participants work both on developing their health skills and on designing communication tools in order to become health "ambassadors" able to transmit information within their social circles. The pedagogical engineering is provided by Codes93, an association under the law of 1901 whose objective is to develop health education in Seine-Saint-Denis.
As part of this project, the Laboratoire Éducation et Pratiques de Santé UR 3412 of the Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord will conduct qualitative research to understand and describe the effects of PSA:
On learners' health literacy via the administration of a health literacy questionnaire (the HLS-eu Q at the beginning and end of training) ;
On the representation of all the stakeholders on the concept of "engagement of people in health" via the development of conceptual maps at the beginning and end of the training.
The results should allow us to deepen our knowledge of the perceptions and conditions that support people's engagement and the links with health literacy.

Collaboration Departmental Council of Seine-Saint-Denis

Valuation already in place London, M., Quesnay, P., Pastor, M., Gross, O., Margat A. (2022, May). Early conceptions of "people's engagement in health" of participants in the Seine-Saint-Denis popular health academy. 9th SETE Congress, Toulouse.

Research team



Maître de conférences en sciences infirmières Docteur en Sciences de l’éducation et de la formation

Nurse by training, I have been practicing since December 2019 as a Lecturer in the Laboratory of Education and Health Promotion (LEPS) UR 3412 of the UFR SMBH.

Activités récentes : The main objective of my research is to clarify the nature of the relationship between health education and health literacy in order to propose intervention models aimed at adapting health education programs to the specific needs of patients with low literacy skills, particularly those who are illiterate. In order to better understand this phenomenon and to design models or experiences that can be modeled, I link a discipline, nursing, a field of practice and study, health pedagogy, and a concept, that of a context of vulnerability. I thus study the learning that people develop to acquire health skills in contexts considered, at first glance, to be unfavorable to learning.

As for teaching, I coordinate or co-coordinate several training programs within the USPN: the 2nd year of the Bachelor of Science for Health (LSPS) health/city track; the DE IPA (emergency and stabilized chronic diseases track); the Master 2 of Public Health, Engineering and Training in Health (IFS) track; the Master 2 of Public Health track for the partnership between the USPN and the Institut de Formation des Cadres de Santé at Picpus (AP-HP).
I am also responsible for several teaching units within the Master of Public Health courses of the LEPS UR 3412 and the RSI Chair, the DE IPA, the Bachelor of Science in Health and Social Sciences, the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences (2nd and 3rd year) and the APES class.

Publications récentes : Margat, A., & Gagnayre, R. (2021). L’éducation thérapeutique du patient chronique en situation d’illettrisme. Revue Education, Santé, Sociétés, Volume 8, Numéro 1, 41 64. https://doi.org/10.17184/eac.5347

Pétré, B., Servotte, J.-C., Piazza, J., Ghuysen, A., Margat, A., Gagnayre, R., & Leclercq, D. (2020). CEdRIC: Strategy for Patient Education During COVID-19 Triage. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 21(6). https://doi.org/10.5811/westjem.2020.7.47907

Buscail, C., Margat, A. (co-first), Petit, S., Gendreau, J., Daval, P., Lombrail, P., Hercberg, S., Latino-Martel, P., Maurice, A., & Julia, C. (2018). Fruits and vegetables at home (FLAM) : A randomized controlled trial of the impact of fruits and vegetables vouchers in children from low-income families in an urban district of France. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1065. BioMed Central. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5908-5

Margat, A., Gagnayre, R., Lombrail, P., Andrade, V. de, & Azogui-Levy, S. (2017). Interventions en littératie en santé et éducation thérapeutique : Une revue de la littérature. Santé Publique, 29(6), 811‑820. https://doi.org/10.3917/spub.176.0811

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Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation