

The measurement of partial knowledge by degrees of certainty

Project overview See publications Leclercq 2009, Kerrad & al , 2015), Guemazi-Kheffi & Leclercq 2022.

Research team

Dieudonné LECLERCQ

Dieudonné LECLERCQ

Professeur émérite Université de Liège (ULiège)

Creator, at ULiège, of STE (Service de Technologie de l'Education), of SMART (Service Méthodologique d'Aide à la Création de Tests), of Guidance Etudes (Methodological help to students), of CAFEIM (Centre d'Auto-Formation et Enseignement Individualisé Multi-Médias)
Teacher since 1980 at the University of Liège (Faculties of Psychology and Education and Faculty of Medicine) and since 1984 at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord (at LEPS).

Activités récentes : Teaching and research in the areas of psychology of learning, assessment of learner learning, training methods, metacognition, and the Design and Evaluation of Multi-Media Messages.

Publications récentes : Toutes mes publications sont téléchargeables gratuitement depuis

Récemment :
Guemazi-Kheffi F., Gagnayre R & Leclercq D. (2022). L’apport d’un débat métacognitif basé sur les degrés de certitude dans les connaissances d’adolescents atteints d’un diabète. Diabète et Obésité. vol. 17, n° 150, pp. 27-39.

Pétré B., Margat, A., Servotte, J-C., Guillaume, M., Gagnayre, R., Ghuysen, A. & Leclercq, D. (2022) Patient education in case of Outbreak: Adopt the CEdRIC strategy Western Journal of Emergency Medecine. Volume 21, (6), 51-60 http://hdl.handle.net/2268/254760

Pétré B, Paridans M, Gillain N, Husson E, Donneau A-F, Dardenne N, Gillet N, Leclercq, D. & Guillaume . (2022) Factors influencing the adoption and participation rate of nursing homes staff in a saliva testing screening programme for COVID-19. PLoS ONE 17(6):e0270551

Email : d.leclercq@uliege.be

ORCIDResumeORBIPublication 1Publication 2Publication 3

Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation