
Evaluation des compétences psychosociales en santé sexuelle de jeunes adultes nés en France

Evaluation of the psychosocial competencies in sexual health of young adults born in France (including those whose parents were born abroad), and proposal of a sexual health promotion model adapted to the needs identified (ECOSSE Project)

Project overview This is a mixed explanatory sequential model research study, combining a quantitative descriptive study with a qualitative study, conducted among young adults (18-29 years old) throughout the Pays de la Loire region.
The primary research question is: What are the psychosocial sexual health skills that should be integrated into a sexual health education program for young people born in France (including those born to migrant parents) to enable them to achieve good sexual health as adults?
The quantitative study will make it possible to identify the elements that can be investigated during the qualitative study with regard to the risks involved: sources of information, mode of education, adherence or not to these modes of education, etc.
The qualitative study will make it possible to highlight the explanatory elements of the individuals' behaviors (preventive or risky), their adherence or not to the education they received, in relation to their CPS, and the influence of the parents' origin in the acquisition of these skills. The first part of this study will include semi-directive interviews. This will be followed by focus groups to identify the essential elements of an education program on emotional and sexual life.

Collaboration - Free information, diagnosis and screening centers (CeGIDD) in the Loire region,
- Sexual health centers (formerly family planning and education centers) in the region
- Certain associations in contact with young adults

Research team



Directrice adjointe du LEPS UR 3412 ; MCU-PH en santé publique ; Fellow de l’institut Convergences Migrations

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Page KR, Genovese E, Franchi M, Cella S, Fiorini G, Tlili R, Salazar S, Duvoisin A, Cailhol J, Jackson Y. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among undocumented migrants during the early phase of the vaccination campaign: a multicentric cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2022 Mar 17;12(3):e056591. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056591. PMID: 35301211; PMCID: PMC8931801

Email : johann.cailhol@aphp.fr

ORCIDResumeInstitut Convergence MigrationsMigrations asiatiques en FrancePublication

Hikombo HITOTO

Hikombo HITOTO

Docteur en médecine

Hospital practitioner in infectious and tropical diseases at the Le Mans Hospital
Coordinator of the Prevention, Vaccination and Screening Center of the Sarthe (CPVD)

Activités récentes : Head of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department from 2012 to 2021 (Le Mans Hospital)
Coordinator of the Prevention, Vaccination and Screening Center of the Sarthe (CPVD) since 2013 (ARS Pays de la Loire)
Co-coordinator of the "Migrants and Vulnerable Populations" Group of the French Language Infectious Pathology Society (SPILF) since 2022.

Publications récentes :
1. Utilization of macrolides. State of the art 2022 Spilf and GPIP. Stahl JP, Castan B, Bonnet E, Bru JP, Cohen R, Diamantis S, Faye A, Hitoto H, Issa N, Lesprit P, Maulin L, Poitrenaud D, Raymond J, Strady C, Varon E, Verdon R, Vuotto F, Welker Y, Gauzit R. Infect Dis Now. 2022 Aug;52(5):252-266. doi: 10.1016/j.idnow.2022.03.001.

2. Anti-infectious treatment duration: The SPILF and GPIP French guidelines and recommendations. Gauzit R, Castan B, Bonnet E, Bru JP, Cohen R, Diamantis S, Faye A, Hitoto H, Issa N, Lebeaux D, Lesprit P, Maulin L, Poitrenaud D, Raymond J, Strady C, Varon E, Verdon R, Vuotto F, Welker Y, Stahl JP. Infect Dis Now. 2021 Mar;51(2):114-139. doi: 10.1016/j.idnow.2020.12.001.

3. Assessment of drug-drug interaction in an elderly human immunodeficiency virus population: Comparison of 3 expert databases. Ruellan AL, Bourneau-Martin D, Joyau C, Secher S, Fialaire P, Hitoto H, Leautez S, Michau C, Vatan R, Billaud E, Briet M, Jolliet P, Raffi F, Allavena C. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2021 Mar;87(3):1194-1202. doi: 10.1111/bcp.14491.

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ORCIDResumePublication 1Publication 2Publication 3



Directeur de thèse

Laboratoire : Avicenne APHP

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

Email :

Irène EPO

Irène EPO

Laboratoire : CH Le Mans

Activités récentes :

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Christelle JADEAU

Christelle JADEAU


Laboratoire : Centre de recherche clinique du CH Le Mans

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

Email :

Centre gratuit d’information, de diagnostic et de dépistage de  - Nantes + Chateaubriand + Ancenis + Saint-Nazaire,  - Angers + Segré + Cholet + Saumur,  - Le Mans + La Flèche + Sablé-sur-Sarthe,  - Laval + Mayenne + Château Gontier - La Roche-sur-Yon et ses antennes

Centre gratuit d’information, de diagnostic et de dépistage de - Nantes + Chateaubriand + Ancenis + Saint-Nazaire, - Angers + Segré + Cholet + Saumur, - Le Mans + La Flèche + Sablé-sur-Sarthe, - Laval + Mayenne + Château Gontier - La Roche-sur-Yon et ses antennes

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

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Agence régionale de Santé des Pays de la Loire

Agence régionale de Santé des Pays de la Loire

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

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Centres de santé sexuelle de la région des Pays de la Loire

Centres de santé sexuelle de la région des Pays de la Loire

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

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Associations de pairs de la région (LGBT, association AIDES, etc.)

Associations de pairs de la région (LGBT, association AIDES, etc.)

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

Email :

Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation