

Characterization of professional practices that promote autonomy for people with disabilities

Project overview The issue of autonomy affects everyone, regardless of our individual abilities. In the field of personal support, this takes the form of a relational mode and a favourable environment that must allow autonomy to flourish, requiring interventions that researchers consider "autonomy-oriented". Thus, the project intends to explore these interventions based on the hypothesis that they are based on three characteristics:
- a specific professional disposition ;
- a work environment that facilitates the professional disposition; and
- an evaluation of autonomy that takes into account the positions of the persons concerned in relation to autonomy.
The research aims to produce recommendations that can be implemented in the field and that take into account the constraints of the actors, as well as the expectations of the persons concerned.

Collaboration The CRDMS : Lyon 3
The CREF: Paris-Nanterre
The CEReSS : Aix-Marseille University

Research team

Olivia GROSS

Olivia GROSS

Directrice de la chaire Chaire de recherche sur l’Engagement des patients et des usagers du système de santé,

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

Email : olivia.gross@univ-paris13.fr


Eleonore SEGARD

Eleonore SEGARD

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes :

Email :

Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation