

What place for digital technology in the care of migrant patients from sub-Saharan Africa hospitalized for tuberculosis or HIV?

Project overview Introduction: Migrants in France are particularly exposed to certain infectious diseases, notably HIV and tuberculosis. The post-hospitalization follow-up of these patients is sometimes complicated due to language barriers or social vulnerabilities. A digital device on smartphone could be a relevant tool to improve the post-hospitalization care pathway of migrant patients hospitalized for tuberculosis or HIV infection.
Materials and Methods:
The main objective of the first part of the present work will be to determine the barriers to a smooth post-hospitalization pathway (follow-up appointments, monitoring examinations and therapeutic adherence). Qualitative (semi-structured interviews) and quantitative (social epidemiology) methodologies will be used to highlight the social and individual determinants affecting the post-hospitalization care pathway.
The second part of the project will aim to determine how a digital tool could facilitate this care pathway. A descriptive qualitative analysis will be conducted via focus groups conducted with post-hospitalization patients.
Expected benefits and spin-offs: For the patient, it will be a matter of providing support at the time of discharge from hospital; improving attendance at follow-up appointments, compliance with medication and preserving the quality of life and autonomy of patients. In terms of public health, it will improve the monitoring of transmissible diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV, offer appropriate support to people in vulnerable situations, and strengthen the link between the city and the hospital. In terms of economy, the aim will be to reduce costs related to obstacles to the smooth running of the post-hospitalization process.

Research team




Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Could travel clinics become priority sites for targeted HIV and hepatitis B screening?
Jeanne Goupil de Bouillé and al, Journal of Travel Medecine, 2022, Mar

Email : jeanne.goupil@aphp.fr


Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation