
Déterminants Et Facteurs de l’Activité physique après les Traitements en Oncologie (DE FACTO)

Exploratory and interventional study on the Determinants and Factors of Physical ACtivity after Treatment in Oncology (DE FACTO) in Metropolitan France.

Project overview The benefits of physical activity (PA) as supportive care in cancer have been widely demonstrated by the scientific community. However, survivors who have completed chemo-radio-immunotherapy treatments do not meet PA recommendations. This reinforces the need to identify factors influencing PA levels, and to propose a multilevel (macro-, meso-, micro-level) model to better understand what facilitates adoption and maintenance of active behavior and what hinders it. To date, there is no socio-ecological model explaining this behavior in the post-treatment phase of breast, colorectal, prostate and lung cancers. From this initial model, we seek to design an educational and motivational intervention for an active lifestyle. This work is led by a PhD student (Albane Aumaitre).
The exploration of factors influencing PA is based on a mixed method, using a sequential explanatory design, supported by a multilevel analysis. Quantitative data are assessed using the nationally distributed multidimensional DEFACTO questionnaire. Semi-structured interviews complement the quantitative data. This first phase of the study aimed to develop and enrich an explanatory model and to create an interventional and educational program.
The 12-week multicenter DEFACTO2 program is offered to 150 physically inactive (<150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic PA) individuals who have undergone treatment for breast, colorectal, prostate, or lung cancer in the past 20 years. The intervention is evenly distributed throughout metropolitan France. PA levels measured by a connected watch (Garmin Vivosmart® 4), and multidimensional variables from the DEFACTO questionnaire, self-reported PA and sedentary behaviors, PA preferences, PA knowledge, and skills, are assessed before, during the program, and 24, 36, and 60 weeks after the intervention. Program adherence, satisfaction, and transferability will also be assessed.
The DEFACTO study aims to better understand, within the framework of the social-ecological model, what does and does not facilitate PA and sedentary behaviors in cancer survivors and whether an individualized intervention can promote an active lifestyle. Based on the results of the individualized program, the social-ecological model will be strengthened and validated.
DEFACTO questionnaire and semi-structured interviews approved by the PPC, ID-RCB: 2019-A03183-54. DEFACTO2 intervention approved by the Northwest III PPC, ID-RCB: 2021-A01570-41. ClinicalTrial.gov NCT05354882

Collaboration The National League against Cancer, and the committees of Seine-Saint-Denis, Morbihan, Sarthe, Hérault, Moselle, Loire, Yvelines, Val d'Oise, Isère, Loir-et-Cher, Nord, Nord Pas-de-Calais, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Pyrénées-Orientales, Côtes d'Armor, Doubs (Montbéliard), Gironde.

Valuation already in place - Aumaitre A, Gagnayre R, Foucaut A-M, Etude exploratoire et interventionnelle sur les DEterminants et Facteurs de l'ACtivité physique après les Traitements en Oncologie - DE FACTO, Communication Orale, 5ème Colloque international sur la recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations de l'INCa, Paris, 29-30 novembre 2021
- Aumaitre A, Gagnayre R, Foucaut A-M, Etude des DEterminants et Facteurs de l'Activité physique après les Traitements en Oncologie - DE FACTO, Communication Orale, 1ère Journée Interrégionale d'onco-réhabilitation, Lyon, 17 mai 2022
- Aumaitre A, Gagnayre R, Foucaut A-M, Etude des DEterminants et Facteurs de l'Activité physique après les Traitements en Oncologie - DE FACTO, Communication Orale, XXèmes Journées d'Etudes Francophones en Activités Physiques Adaptées (AFAPA), Caen, 27-28 Mai 2021

Research team

Aude-Marie FOUCAUT

Aude-Marie FOUCAUT

Maître de conférences en Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives (STAPS)

Responsible for the two STAPS Master's courses in Adapted Physical Activity and Health (APA-S), Physical Activity, Sport, Health (AP2S) and Physical Activity, Sport, Handicap and Inclusion (APSHI). I am conducting my research in the field of Public Health in order to evaluate - beyond the effect of physical activity - its feasibility, its obstacles and its facilitators in the field of health.

Activités récentes : Active lifestyle is a complex health behavior, determined by many factors at micro, meso and macro environmental levels. Our current research aims to increase our knowledge of these factors and to explain them within ecological models. Thanks to the experience gained at the Health & Wellness Lab of the University of Calgary (Alberta, Canada) during a CRCT from 2022 to 2023, and based on the results of previous studies, we will be able to implement projects in France based on implementation science, with large samples of patients. We will then be able to document variables that are unfortunately still under-evaluated in multimodal programs promoting physical activity in secondary and tertiary prevention, such as acceptability, adoption, feasibility, fidelity, safety, reach, sustainability, integration into the care pathway, and cost.

Publications récentes : Ouvrage :
- Foucaut A-M (coord), Vergnault M, Landry A, Lhuissier F, Chapelot D, Ordonnances - Activité Physique : 90 prescriptions, Paris, Maloine, 8 octobre 2020. 467 pages.

Chapitre d’ouvrage :
- Foucaut A-M, Activité physique, santé et éducation thérapeutique du patient chronique, in 4ème éd. Education thérapeutique – Prévention et maladies chroniques, coord. Simon D, Bourdillon F, Popelier M, Grimaldi A, coll. Abrégés de médecine, Paris, Elsevier Masson, 19 août 2020. 432 pages.

Revues internationales :
- Houzard S, Courtois E, Le Bihan Benjamin C, Lefeuvre D, Erbault M, Arnould L, Barranger E, Coussy F, Couturaud B, Cutuli B, de Cremoux P, de Reilhac P, de Seze C, Foucaut A-M, Gompel A, Honoré S, Lesur A, Mathelin C, Verzaux L, Bousquet P-J, Monitoring breast cancer care quality at national and local level using the French National Cancer Cohort. Clinical Breast Cancer, 2022, 22(7):e832-e841
- Neuzillet C, Anota A#, Foucaut A-M#, Védie A-L#, Antoun S, Barnoud D, Bouleuc C, Chorin F, Cottet V, Fontaine E, Garabige V, Hébuterne X, Huguet F, Lièvre A, Marchal T, Mouillot T, Peschaud F, Quilliot D, Raynard B, Schneider S, Scotté F, Vansteene D, Mariani P, Bouché O, Joly F, on behalf of the Thésaurus National de Cancérologie Digestive (TNCD), Société Nationale Française de Gastroentérologie (SNFGE), Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive (FFCD), Groupe Coopérateur multidisciplinaire en Oncologie (GERCOR), Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer (UNICANCER), Société Française de Chirurgie Digestive (SFCD), Société Française d’Endoscopie Digestive (SFED), Société Française de Radiothérapie Oncologique (SFRO), Association de Chirurgie Hépato-Bilio-Pancréatique et Transplantation (ACHBT), Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC), Société Française des Professionnels en Activité Physique Adaptée (SFP-APA), Société Francophone de Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme (SFNCM), Association Francophone pour Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), Nutrition and Physical Activity: French Intergroup Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatments and follow-up (SNFGE, FFCD, GERCOR, UNICANCER, SFCD, SFED, SFRO, ACHBT, AFC, SFP-APA, SFNCM, AFSOS). BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2021, 11(4):381-395

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Directeur du LEPS UR 3412

Activités récentes :

Publications récentes : Pennecot C, Luu M, Marchand C, Gagnayre R, Dechannes N, Rudoni S, Hilaire AM, Demongeot A, Capelle D, Bardou M. First use of Simulation in Therapeutic Patient Education (S-TPE) in adults with diabetes: a pilot study. BMJ Open. 2022 Feb 28;12(2):e049454. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049454. PMID: 35228274; PMCID: PMC8886441. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35228274/

Email : remi.gagnayre@univ-paris13.fr




Doctorante contractuelle avec missions d’enseignement à l’UFR Santé, Médecine, Biologique Humaine de l’Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. ED ERASME. Thèse en Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives au Laboratoire Educations et Promotion de la Santé UR3412

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Publications récentes :

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Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation
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