
L’influence de l’environnement physique et de jardins enrichis sur la santé des personnes âgées vivant en institution gériatrique

The transposition and evaluation of the enriched environment concept to the physical environment of residents in geriatric institutions. The definition of the enriched garden concept as a research device on the health and quality of life of elderly people with Alzheimer's disease and the quantitative evaluation of the benefits on health markers and their appropriation by the patient

Project overview Evaluation of the relationship between the physical environment and resident health in geriatric institutions - a scoping review
Evaluation of the benefits of using the enriched garden by residents with advanced Alzheimer's disease - a controlled, longitudinal, multi-center pilot study
Evaluation of the spatial appropriation by the resident in a geriatric institution - a qualitative study
Implementation of a Living Lab' at the Charles Foix Hospital and definition of an experimental research program for patients

Collaboration APHP - Charles Foix Hospital Geriatric Unit

Valuation already in place Bourdon E, Belmin J. Enriched gardens improve cognition and independence of nursing home residents with dementia: a pilot controlled trial. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2021;13:116.
Bourdon E, Le jardin enrichi, quand le jardin devient thérapeutique - May 2021 Paris -Courant pour une
human ecology
Bourdon E, Havreng-Théry C, Lafuente C, Belmin J. Effect of the Physical Environment on Health and Well-Being of Nursing Homes Residents: A Scoping Review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 Jul 2;S1525-8610(22)00428-5.
Bourdon E, Belmin J. The Enriched Garden Concept; Gerontological Care 2022 Oct
Bourdon E, Belmin J. The appropriation of space by the resident in a geriatric institution, A qualitative study on the enriched garden in EHPAD. NPG, 2022

Research team



- PU-PH -Chef de Service

Université : - Université Paris SorbonneLaboratoire : - Sorbonne Université, Laboratoire d’Informatique et d’Ingénierie des Connaissances en e-Santé (LIMICS, INSERM UMRS 1142), Paris, France

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Research themes

Individual and collective skills to support empowerment
Health Promoting Environments
Reorientation of health services and professional training

Technical data

Period of realization
In preparation