LEPS news

European Scientific Study also open to Quebec - Call for Participation

Etude Scientifique Européenne ouverte également au Québec – Appel à Participation

The LEPS has been conducting a study on the relationship with the body - RECORPS - for several years, in partnership with the University of Reims and the association Le Regard du Miroir. Having established the constructs of the future questionnaire on the relationship to the body via a DELPHI, we are now moving on to its validation phase. It will be distributed in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Quebec until September 20, 2023.

Link to the article

We are expecting over 1,500 respondents from the general population and respondents undergoing treatment for obesity.
Here are the inclusion criteria for the validation study:
Inclusion criteria for the general population study:
18 years of age or older;
French mother tongue;
Have Internet access on computer, tablet or smartphone to complete the online questionnaire;
Have given their consent to participate in the study.
Inclusion criteria for the clinical population study:
18 years of age or older;
Body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m²;
French mother tongue;
Have Internet access on computer, tablet or smartphone to complete the online questionnaire;
Have given their consent to participate in the study.
Exclusion criteria:
People reporting anorexia nervosa.

You can take part in the study yourself by completing the questionnaire.

And don't hesitate to help us spread the word widely and repeatedly over the summer by posting the image in PJ on your social networks, along with the link to the questionnaire: https://form.dragnsurvey.com/survey/r/4330a2e1.

You can also distribute the call for participation (accompanied by the image) to doctors and/or directly to people over the age of majority being treated for obesity by email (standard message below to be adapted). The image can also be printed and displayed.

Dear Madam / Dear Sir,

You are currently being treated for obesity and we need your help.

I'm writing to you today to ask you to take part in a European study involving the completion of completely anonymous online questionnaires.

The aim of this study is to develop a tool that will enable us to take into account patients' relationship with their bodies during their treatment. Your contribution is important so that researchers and healthcare professionals can offer patients a coherent tool that can be used in practice.

You can find all the information you need by following the study link: https://form.dragnsurvey.com/survey/r/4330a2e1.

Thank you in advance for your collaboration.
Best regards,

Doctor / Mr / Mrs XXX