LEPS news

The European Therapeutic Education Society holds its 10th congress in Liège (Belgium)

La Société d’Éducation Thérapeutique Européenne organise son 10e congrès à Liège (Belgique)

The Société d'Éducation Thérapeutique Européenne is organizing its 10th congress in Liège (Belgium) "L'Education Thérapeutique du Patient, Promotrice de Santé" Information on the website: https://www.socsete.org/congres-sete24-liege

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Over the past 25 years, the healthcare sector has seen the emergence of various recommendations and texts calling for the development of Patient Therapeutic Education (PTE). Although this approach was initially driven by a few pioneers who relied on patients' ability to learn about health issues, it is clear that today, thanks to numerous research studies, the question of effectiveness and the most effective TPE formats and practices have been widely explored. As a corollary, the training of professionals has also been examined in depth. This has helped to strengthen patients' individual and collective ability to manage their own health, and to raise awareness and recognition of TVE in a public health context.
While continuing and refining this work, SETE wishes to extend the development of TVE by proposing a vision of TVE as a health promoter. This way of looking at TVE opens up a wide range of questions, connecting TVE to health promotion issues:
- From the moment that education reinforces the individual skills of individuals and families, how can we contribute to creating enabling environments that promote the mobilization of self-care and psychosocial skills in context?
- How can we support patient participation and community dynamics to reinforce the deployment of TVE and make it more salutogenic?
- How can TVE help reorient healthcare services to establish a city-hospital education continuum, on the one hand, and conditions of practice conducive to increasing people's health literacy, intelligibility and learning, on the other? And in turn, how does this evolution give meaning to the practices of professionals and resource persons? What configurations of healthcare structures are most compatible with investing in people's individual and collective skills?
- How can we design a healthcare policy that supports increased accessibility to TVE (with particular concern for social inequalities in health) and pursues objectives compatible with the emancipatory aim of TVE?
The list of questions is far from exhaustive. Ultimately, it's the entire healthcare system and its players that TVE thinks about questioning in terms of its orientation to support patients, at individual, collective and organizational levels. At SETE, we share a vision of TVE as a vector or promoter of health. A learned society must set itself a strong ambition, a goal guiding its actions. Positing TVE as a vector of health promotion supports a vision of TVE that is open to a range of health issues. This is the main theme of our next congress.

Belgium, and in particular the city of Liège, will be hosting the 10th SETE congress. Belgium has long invested in Health Promotion. In this sense, Belgium is a land of innovation in educational practices that do not always declare themselves as such (for example, the first hospital education committees, forerunners of the UTEPs, or even more recently, integrated care projects, giving a central place to patient empowerment in the reorganization of the healthcare system). It also enables us to reflect on the landscape of interventions that contribute to the health of individuals and communities.
At this year's congress, SETE will be retaining the same ingredients that brought you so much satisfaction last time: oral and poster presentations, controversies, tool fairs, masterclasses and symposia. But we'll also be offering a totally new activity to help you collectively define the directions of tomorrow's TVE.
We look forward to welcoming you to Liège!
The President, Professor Rémi Gagnayre and the Vice-President, Professor Benoit Pétré