LEPS news

Report on the evaluation of the Académie Populaire de la Santé (People's Health Academy)

Rapport de l'évaluation conduite sur l'Académie Populaire de la Santé

Effects of the Académie Populaire de la Santé in Seine-Saint-Denis: evaluative research over the period 2021-2023 (APS ONE and APS TWO promotions)

We are pleased to submit this report today (07/06/2023).

Conceived during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Académie Populaire de la Santé (APS) is a health promotion training program designed by and for residents of the Seine-Saint-Denis département (France) who want to get involved in supporting people who are furthest from healthcare in their area. Over the course of a year, they take part in monthly themed meetings. In this way, they acquire knowledge and develop skills in health and pedagogy, enabling them to become "health ambassadors", capable of leading health promotion actions within their communities. This system was co-constructed at every stage of the project, in a participatory approach involving players from different sectors (intersectoriality). It was initiated by the Conseil Départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis (CD 93), in partnership with the Laboratoire Éducations et Promotion de la Santé (LEPS) UR3412 (Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord), and Codes 93 (association loi 1901). The project received funding from the BNP Paribas Foundation.