LEPS news

"Je est un autre ... Stéphane has cystic fibrosis and both lungs have been transplanted".

"Je est un autre ... Stéphane atteint de mucoviscidose et greffé des deux poumons"

Documentary by François HAVEZ "Je est un autre ... Stéphane with cystic fibrosis and a double-lung transplant".
This is the ExPaParM research project in which LEPS is one of the players with Dominique POUGHEON-BERTRAND.

Link to the article

[Director's summary]
"I met Stéphane during the "ExPaParM" meetings at the Vaincre la mucoviscidose headquarters.
I've been filming a group of researchers, patients and healthcare professionals for several months. This ExPaParM-ACTION research project aims to test a questionnaire that explores patients' experiences of care, health and life as part of the Parcours Mucoviscidose Patient Experience.
I suggested that the research group create a series of short films featuring portraits of patient co-researchers.

I suggested to Stéphane that he take his portrait at home, in Dax.
He was immediately delighted when I agreed to come into his world for several days, to make an "out of town" film. An ideal environment for a shoot in complete confidence, favoring my work on intimacy.

Would you like to find out more about the study?
Follow this link: https://expaparm.muco-cftr.fr/

#vaincrelamucoviscidose #LaboratoireEducationsetPromotiondelaSantéUR3412 #AllResearchers #ined and the study field teams (Versailles, Lyon, Nantes and the Pôle Santé de Vaincre la Mucoviscidose).
#mucoviscidose #research #health #disease"