LEPS news

Inauguration of the EUR Health Promotion Nursing Sciences course

Inauguration de l’EUR Sciences infirmières en Promotion de la Santé

"On Friday December 8, the UFR SMBH of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord inaugurated the Ecole Universitaire de Recherche en Sciences infirmières en Promotion de la Santé(EUR-SIePS), a first in France".

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"Despite its importance in the field of health, nursing research is still underdeveloped in France. Yet this discipline is essential to improving individual and collective health, as it "focuses on care in its various expressions with individuals, families, communities and populations."

With this in mind, EUR-SIePS intends to help strengthen the provision of specialized training at master's and doctoral level in nursing science, and promote research at national and international level.

This unique creation is based on :

A multidisciplinary scientific base involving laboratories such as the Laboratoire Éducations et Promotion de la Santé (LEPS) UR 3412, the Chaire Recherche en Sciences Infirmières (partnership with AP-HP) and the Chaire universitaire de recherche sur l'engagement des patients ;
A high-level university structure with constant links between research, training and professional practice;
National and international partnerships with leading research teams, enabling national and international mobility for EUR students;
Local roots to meet the healthcare challenges of the Seine-Saint-Denis département, in collaboration with the Avicenne-Jean Verdier-René Muret University Hospital Group.

The EUR aims to become a major player in innovation in nursing education and research. Here's a look back at the opening ceremony, attended by Christophe Fouqueré, President of the university, Nathalie Charnaux, Director of the UFR Santé Médecine Biologie Humaine, Rémi Gagnayre, Director of the Laboratoire Educations et Promotion de la Santé and Aurore Margat, lecturer and director of the new university school".