LEPS news

Report: "Vivre avec son logement après un parcours sans domicile: Pour un accompagnement global des familles monoparentales sans domicile" (Living with your home after homelessness: providing comprehensive support for homeless single-parent families)

Rapport : « Vivre avec son logement après un parcours sans domicile : Pour un accompagnement global des familles monoparentales sans domicile »


The research described in this report specifically targets single-parent families who have experienced homelessness and are housed in the Antin Résidences social housing stock. This research is also based on an intervention carried out within the Arcade Vyv Group, which enabled households to be rehoused and supported from hotels into social housing. In this context, it targets professionals from ALFI, the French Red Cross and Antin Résidences involved in supporting households and helping them access housing. The research is collaborative and involves the people concerned (tenants and professionals) in carrying out the protocol.

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