LEPS news

Signing of the framework agreement for the state diploma for advanced practice nurses in emergencies (DE IPA) between USPN/LEPS and SDIS 77

Signature de la convention cadre relative au Diplôme d'Etat d'infirmier en pratique avancée mention urgences (DE IPA) entre l'USPN/LEPS et le SDIS 77

We are pleased to inform you of the signing of the framework agreement for the DE IPA program supported by LEPS and USPN with SDIS 77 (Sapeurs Pompiers de Seine-et-Marne).

Link to the article

The signing took place on Monday September 04, 2023 in the presence of Isoline Garreau, President of the SDIS 77 Board of Directors, Contrôleur Général Bruno Maestracci DDSIS, Madame la Doyenne Nathalie Charnaux (USPN/UFR SMBH), Pr Rémi Gagnayre (LEPS Director), Madame Aurore Margat (LEPS Vice Director), Monsieur Yannick Berthou (USPN/CEDIP) and Madame Juliette Ekpe (LEPS).